the world didn't end (again).

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pucho812 said:
To prepare for the end of the world
1.go to the nearest table in your house.
2.get under the table.
3.tuck your heard between our legs and kiss your ass goodbye. ;D

I'm old enough to remember drills in elementary school where we practiced assuming the position in school hallways, anticipating possible nuclear attack. At the time I was living <20 miles from NYC so in a potential target area...

Yet another good thing about living in nowhere MS... :)

well I grew up in nowhere Tx and turns out during the cold war we were a nuclear target of russia. We have a port that does commercial shipping mainly fruits and cotton. Man if they really only knew what went on there they would have decided not to waste the missile.

I also noticed no postings from out Aussie friends. Since it is dec 21st over there maybe it happened :-\

I still think every power company in the world should shut down for 10 mins to freak people out. Although if that were to happen here in L.A. people would use it as an excuse to riot and loot.
> in Oz the world may have already ended?

I was wondering how this works. Do I need to get another day's supply of food and stuff? Is it 12:00:01am on the 20th? Or 11:59:59pm? Or, like the Hebrews, sunset? Local time? In Maine, Oz, or Maya-land? If I'm close to a time-zone edge, can I party an extra hour after my neighbor's world ends?

"Dec 21" is dubious. "Our" calendar is not near as refined as the Mayans'. Older folks recall when the calender had to slip 2 weeks to make-up the leftover part-day from the 1:1 leap-year approximation. Geo Washington had to change his birthday. Has that been accounted? Or are we going to survive Dec 21 and get a shock Jan 4th?

I'm not paying my VISA bill until this is cleared up.
I thought the end timed with the Winter solstice at 4:41  so TGIF might have to come early.  Lets try to start drinking by lets say 10:am.

bottoms up!
The world ends everyday for someone...hopefully its not one of us...or if it is maybe its all of us...and then we discover it was all just a simulation anyway...the real world is much different I'm sure.
pucho812 said:
Friendly reminder that the Mayan calendar ends Friday. If you have any Mayan friends a new calendar would make a stellar gift.

I was really hoping that the Mayans on "Sons Of Anarchy" would address this.

> with the Winter solstice at 4:41

There's a problem in OZ. This will be Summer Solstice, not Winter Solstice.

"The December solstice is also known as the "summer solstice" in the southern hemisphere. It is the winter solstice only in the northern hemisphere."

Does that mean another 6 months before The End?

For YOUR local time, use this:
click "Local Times for December Solstice worldwide"

Converted Time
Maine, U.S.A.  6:12 AM EST  Friday, December 21, 2012

Six and a half hours from now.

fazer Denver said:
with the Winter solstice at 4:41
You may need to check that. says Denver Fri 4:12 AM
Well, The Republic of Yorkshire is still here, although slightly wet.

Which means I now have to go out and buy some Christmas presents.  :-(

zebra50 said:
Well, The Republic of Yorkshire is still here, although slightly wet.

Which means I now have to go out and buy some Christmas presents.  :-(

This is the first year since moving to manchester that I'm not going back to Yorkshire for xmas, the mrs and I ahve decided to cook xmas dinner at ours just the 2 of us.

Slightly disappointed the world didnt end, a small part of me is obcessed with an apoccalypse.
ah well, looks like ill have to go through with the wedding in February
I found out last night that I had to wake up at 4:30 this morning and drive up to Washington DC to work today. It turns out that I would be working on a system in a homeland security building. If you look at downtown on google maps where the roads form a giant satanic pentagram, I was right near where the eastern ear and horn meet the goat's head. I figured pretty quickly that I was either in the safe zone or at ground zero. The day progressed without a hitch, nothing unusual to speak of. I did get a glimpse of the apocalypse in traffic trying to return home, but I made it back safely and it's margarita night now, so apparently all is well...