Toroids - price vs quality, and expected differences.

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2012
I don't build enough gear to really know, but i'm curious of operating differences to be expected between a $75 Hammond toroid trafo and a $25 generic toroid?  Currently putting together a GSSL compressor - wondering if the Hammond option can justify the 3x price tag?

If it's worth every cent, i'll put it on order.  If the different is likely to be fractional at best, i'll stick with the $25 option.
$75 for a toroid for an SSL comp is way overkill. Get yourself a 25VA Antek for $11, lots of people use them here, they're more than adequate. 
mitsos is right on the money. You'll not pulling much current to run the GSSL, so virtually any crappy toroidal will do the job.

15VA suggests about 1 amp of current. That's plenty for this application.
