the SPL engineers are pretty cool people. i have talked to a couple of them at lenght about their designs and component use for their monitor controllers (both surround and stereo models)
i forget the names of the people, but they were very helpful and excited to talk about their products. so maybe it just that type of company. they know we are a small community, and then even a smaller group within our whole breadth would be innterested in building a "clone".
also i think they are comfortable with their status in the Pro Audio Equipment world and the money they make, and so, do not feel threatened by a few DIYers trying to make their own version of their products.
this is probably also due to the fact that they are a German company run by engineers and not an american Uber-Capitalist company run by Lawyers and Bean counters. Cheers to SPL Labs for helping with corrections :sam: :guinness:
i forget the names of the people, but they were very helpful and excited to talk about their products. so maybe it just that type of company. they know we are a small community, and then even a smaller group within our whole breadth would be innterested in building a "clone".
also i think they are comfortable with their status in the Pro Audio Equipment world and the money they make, and so, do not feel threatened by a few DIYers trying to make their own version of their products.
this is probably also due to the fact that they are a German company run by engineers and not an american Uber-Capitalist company run by Lawyers and Bean counters. Cheers to SPL Labs for helping with corrections :sam: :guinness: