Trying out Gus' VM1 circuit............

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Yeah, great info. I just ordered one ;D

zebra50 said:
Sounds like you're hearing the capsule as the dominant factor, which is often the case.
In a blind test, my wife (yep, she's got a great set of......errr......ears) prefered the U47 circuit saying it sounded just a little bit smoother than the VM1. Well that was on my voice anyway. I couldn't tell which one I liked best, as they both sounded good to me, and again the difference was minimal.

Btw, I think more women should be audio engineers. Less macho bias when it comes to gear and decisions, and don't they hear into the higher frequencies better than us? The last tour I went on, the other band we toured with insisted on bringing some fancy pants sound man, with tonnes of gear who had "worked in the industry". The dude was a ******, and I wanted him off the tour. Too much BS about all the specific gear he needed to do his job......... I heard his mix, and I heard my my wife mix (with less gear, and no fancy stuff) on a gig he couldn't make. Let's just say I was surprised at how average his mix was, and suprised at how good my wife's was. Anyway, rant over.

Wow great thread I missed.....also interesting info in the link about the U47 and its gril tool....I always thought in the past that the grill effect was very slight but the more i read the more I learn.......

Also the more I read and experiment with the different electronic seems the electronics have lesser effect on the sound than perhaps the grill & head basket.....

I like many others am looking for a U47 ISH mic ...I have a MK47 assembled waiting for Skylar body/grill & then I need to decide which capsule.......

I have a good flat sounding Violet capsule I wonder how it would sound in U47 ish head/grill/body with  MK47 (U47ish) electronics....

great info guys thanks once again........

did you see my U47ish mic?

or the G7 in an SP C1 body???

It is based on a -now obsolete- Flea DIY kit. The circuit is loosely based on an MK7.
It contains a K47 that has been skinned by Thiersch.
The PS differs, because I added more patterns.

Give your Violet casule a try - if it is a flat one It will match to those types of circuit.

The VM1 circuit seems interesting... the only flat capsules I have are two K89 - might play around...


Chris thanks just read those threads love it love yr work ......

Yeah my point in this thread after reading this and many other threads and also DIY ing some circuits is its seems like the electronic circuit of the mic plays a smaller percentage in the sound of a mic, I tried C12, ela m251, Studio projects TB1, sony c37a, G7, MK47, Oktava 012 & ADK Vienna circuits with the same Violet lollypop & tho the circuits dont sound exactly the same to me they seem in the same ball park the same follows the capsules.....I also tried Oktava , ADK, Lomo capsules I have in every combination with those mic electronics......just gotta add that I think the Oktava 012 circuit is very interesting just hanful of parts & no transformer has a smooth interesting sound.....

Looking forward to hearing capsules in U47 style grill/head....think I might try the RK47 price is nice....