Hello Madreza,
Did You swap just the Capsule or the whole Head? Did You switch to ommni, and have the same Problem?
You can messure the 10n ,the 1uf Bosch Mp and the 100 m Resistors if they are still in specs. If any of this Parts lost there Value a Basslost takes Place .A standart DMM does not work. You need a Meter that can messure up to 200 M Resistance, a Capitormeter and a Inductionmeter that can handle at least 200Henry and works with a Messurefrequency at 100 or 120'Hz. I hasitate a bit to give You some fast Tips because Your Mike is a very dedicated and sensible Item and can be spoilt quiet easy. The leads of the Transformer are very fragile and break easy.The first Thing I would do is trying to get some Help from Someone who is used to fiddle around in such Sensible Units. Than Messure the Secondarys of the Outputtranny (at the Powersupply between pin 2/3 of the Output xlr) hopefully You get something like 2 H at this Point,than test the 100M resistors by lifting one Side of them, otherwise you don t get the correct Reading, same for the Condensers. Please be very carefull ! ! I hope the 10 n or the Bosch 1uF is the Problem, but it s quiet impossible that the 1uF Drops to 15nF or something like this ,to create a Highpass at 800 Hz. I think and hope it s the Capsulepolarisation 100M Resistor, or the Gridresistor.
I was reading a little Bit about Transformercore demag and Jacob wrote that it is the only possiblilty Way to get rid of it , is to disamble the Transformer. Than You demag the Lams with a bulk ereaser or You can swap /turn every second Lam to neutral the remanent Magnetism.
I would never do this by myself, if You bent the Lams even slidly, They loose there Perm constanly !! This would be a Disaster and a Way of no return, ( so handle them like Glas ) or they need to get aniled again, so ask a real Expert like Max, Moby, CJ ,Oliver from Tab or Andreas Grosser for Help. I Rewind of the whole Thing could be the Result ,if You disamble Yourself , because the Isolation of the Magnetwire breaks very easy because it s rotten after 50 Years.
I just wrote the Post from SSLtech, this is a good Way to go also and i am sure it will sound very good with the Bv11 Tranny,but first i would try everything else, including to send the Mic to Andreas Grosser for a vf14 fet Replacement.and Transformer, Circuit Test. Normaly i am very open for modifications, Upgrades etc and don t see things out of a Collectors View,but in this Case,even if the Nuvistor is already a downgrade, i would not touch the Mic like this before i tried everything to get it back as original as possible, - just my 0,01 Cent s.
I heard a few original 47s with the Andreas Grosser Retrofit Tube, direct compared with my VF 14 U 47 and i must say it sounds a very little bit different in the Highs and Lows at high Levels, the important Mids sounded equal to us, it s a very close and very good Replacement, much better than the Nuvistor with the Bv8 ,i think.
I don t want to make advertisment for him, i don t know him by person.
Good Luck