is it possible to use MEQ-5 without an input TRX, unbalanced input?
if this is possible, what kind a impedance it should be fed from.
if i already have enough gain before the MEQ-5 can i use 10k:600 for the output, instead 10:10k interstage?
(i will be using mid frequencies only version of the MEQ-5 - no bass and treble)
signal chain is kind a like this
in-->tubepre--->unbalanced out--->unbalanced MEQ-5 with 10k:600 out
if this is possible, what kind a impedance it should be fed from.
if i already have enough gain before the MEQ-5 can i use 10k:600 for the output, instead 10:10k interstage?
(i will be using mid frequencies only version of the MEQ-5 - no bass and treble)
signal chain is kind a like this
in-->tubepre--->unbalanced out--->unbalanced MEQ-5 with 10k:600 out