unbalanced MEQ-5 input ?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
is it possible to use MEQ-5  without an input TRX, unbalanced input?
if this is possible, what kind a impedance it should be fed from.

if i already have enough gain before the MEQ-5 can i use 10k:600 for the output, instead 10:10k interstage?

(i will be using mid frequencies only version of the MEQ-5 -  no bass and treble)

signal chain is kind a like this
in-->tubepre--->unbalanced out--->unbalanced MEQ-5 with 10k:600 out

kambo said:
is it possible to use MEQ-5  without an input TRX, unbalanced input?
yes.  been done by the tweakers, for decades.
not recommended in today's actively balanced environments.
[quote author=kambo]
if this is possible, what kind a impedance it should be fed from.  [/quote]
600 ohms or less.
[quote author=kambo]
if i already have enough gain before the MEQ-5 can i use 10k:600 for the output, instead 10:10k interstage?  [/quote]
what interstage transformer?  the MEQ-5 has none.
the Triad HS-50 output transformer is rated 15k:600.
sounds like you might be using a 10k:10K as your output transformer,
if that makes you happy, fine. 
personally, I would design for "worst case",  i.e., possible 600 ohm loads.
i was referring to this schematic for the interstage,

but, lots of reading from Ian's notes, i figured out the input/output
