You need a DC-DC converter to do that. I design those things all of the time (as part of my day job) so for something like phantom for a couple of mics, I'd make something using the MAX845 but it only comes in SMT and you feed it with 5 volts. The whole board would end up being about 25mm by 25mm (one square inch).
If power consumption wasn't an issue and you're comfortable with modules but not switching power supply design, you could use the DCP family by TI (used to be Burr-Brown). They work ok, but they do use a lot of power. Use two of the +/- 15 volt parts in series and you'll have 60. Now use an LM317 to knock that down to 48. You could get away with the +/- 12 volt ones but the voltage might be a little tight.
I like using the HV version of the 3-terminal regulator for phantom. I assume that someone (usually the guy building it) will short out something, and I've replaced a few 317's in phantom regulators because I accidentally shorted them out. Since changing to the HV's I don't blow them up quite as often.