What about a tube cascade? Should the 6sk17 be in the top or bottom or both?
I could do like Bartolo with j-fet and triode on top and anode choke instead of resistor and get away with lower B+
I'd need to check the data sheet for the 6SK17... it's quite common to use the same device top and bottom but not necessary of course. A J-Fet on the bottom obviously works for him so that's one you have a starting point for.
The 2SK170 is slightly noisier than the BF862 he used (he mentions this), but not anything I'd worry about if you're using a step up input transformer.
Couple of advantages as far as I'm concerned: the 2SK170 is thru hole so I can see it and solder it without magnifying

and, the Gm is lower which would give you a more manageable gain - unless you really do need 55 - 60B on top of what your IP transformer provides?
I do like that he's isolated the power supply for the cascoding grid voltage with an LND150 CCS... one thing that cascode amps are bad at is PSRR so anything that helps is good.
If you don't have any K170's you could give me a holler and I'll send you a few 'BL' grade to play with. I just sent my last 'V' grades to another member so... nada V's left. Use 2 BL's in // for higher current and lower noise maybe?
** Edit: I also like that his regulator for that grid V is a low current CCS (the 6SK17 cascoding grid doesn't need/shouldn't have any current) feeding a resistor. I've done that too and then fed that reference voltage at the top of the resistor into a MOSFET cap multiplier for higher currents.
Using a resistor to define the voltage seems about the quietest thing to use, but I got some funny remarks when I mentioned it here once so didn't push it. I guess a lot of tube folks don't like too many small three-legged things in their amps?