Very nice dynamic processor schematic.

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[quote author="jhaible"][quote author="Learner"]hey JH,
Just out of curiosity, did you include the 100K trim pot in your protoboard circuit and see what it does?[/quote]

You mean R17 in this drawing: ?

That's just an offset trim. I had to re-adjust it when I switched from Lab PSU to the LM3x7-based PSU (which has some tolerances).

There are parts on the circuit, such as R25, which derive a current from the supply voltage, and different supply voltage will cause different offset.


I meant R25 on the schematic, since I am trying to make the PCB layout for it now but not sure if its crucial to include that pot. In Prot*l I need to enter the stupid footprint for the pot which I have no idea what it would be..... :mad:
Stupid me, I gave you the adress of the mp3 instead of the schematics.
I meant this:


I hope the acknowledgement section is ok, too.

Fantastic stuff Jurgen, my printer prints the green lines very feintly so I'll have to change the circuits to black and white in order to read them properly. Are you going to have a rest now???
[quote author="StephenGiles"]Are you going to have a rest now???

Yes, I actually think of building something simple next, a tube preamp for my record player.

But I still don't know whether I should go for a zero-feedback medium Mu tubes circuit (which is hailed as the ultimate holy grail everywhere), or just a ECC83 with frequency dependent feedback network. I'm quite puzzled because everybody seems to frown on the latter, but looking around for classic circuits, almost *everybody* did it that way.


(Just brought down the record player from the living room to the lab yesterday. Now playing: Klaus Schulze, Voices Of Syn, wonderful vinyl.)
I need a record player for my old 78s, I have some Les Paul & Mary Ford stuff from the early 50s I would like to hear again.

I fixed the printing by selecting each circuit, increasing size to 125%, pasting into Paintshop Pro, converting to Greyscale, applying auto contrast filter, save as gif and open in Excel as a picture. I then set print for 2 pages wide and one page tall in Portrait which provides a very clear A3 print (2 A4 stuck together) for page 1.
[quote author="StephenGiles"]I need a record player for my old 78s, I have some Les Paul & Mary Ford stuff from the early 50s I would like to hear again.

I fixed the printing by selecting each circuit, increasing size to 125%, pasting into Paintshop Pro, converting to Greyscale, applying auto contrast filter, save as gif and open in Excel as a picture. I then set print for 2 pages wide and one page tall in Portrait which provides a very clear A3 print (2 A4 stuck together) for page 1.

I guess next time I convert something to pdf I better choose the b/w option!

Very nice job jhaible, and thanks for all the time spent on this :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I'd like to built a dual mono transient gate (i'm really a newbie), what would be the mods i have to do ?
I have an original TD, but i find that adding a real gate (one more time , great job!!) is very nice.
I'm a drummer & 90% of what i put on tape is drums or percussion, so a gate like this would perfect for what i do.
I don't understand erverything from the schematics, but what i've heard from your soundclip was very nice.
Could you eventualy explain what to do ? (make it dual mono-don't care if it's balanced or unbalaced.
[quote author="flaheu"]Very nice job jhaible, and thanks for all the time spent on this :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I'd like to built a dual mono transient gate (i'm really a newbie), what would be the mods i have to do ?
I have an original TD, but i find that adding a real gate (one more time , great job!!) is very nice.
I'm a drummer & 90% of what i put on tape is drums or percussion, so a gate like this would perfect for what i do.
I don't understand erverything from the schematics, but what i've heard from your soundclip was very nice.
Could you eventualy explain what to do ? (make it dual mono-don't care if it's balanced or unbalaced.[/quote]

IJR's schematics (which started this thread), and AFAIK the original circuit, *are* dual mono with an option to link for stereo. (?)
So if you want to go that route, you have to build two complete sidechains for two VCAs (i.e. twice the circuit from IJR). Or, starting with my drawings, omit one VCA, and build everything twice.

Thank you for your quick answer.
I've erased what you mentioned from your schematic.
A S & ACV SCV & RAN-> I think i will not use those functions
Can i send you a e-mail with the picture ?
That would be very nice if you can just check it.
Thank for your kindness and your help :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
very nice :grin:. i already loved dominion (till i got os x :sad:)

did anyone end up doing a pcb for this?
[quote author="Anonym"]did anyone end up doing a pcb for this?[/quote]

Yes, some guys made a PCB, but I don't like copying devices, which are still produced. I hope, the moderators will kick all these PCBs from the board.
It's okay, if the PCBs are modified or extended, like the mixed one in this thread. For educational purpose / for making it better, it could be okay.

But for sharing and building instead of buying it's no good.
SPL isn't that expensive, I know, but they're nice people and they produce in Germany ... An expensive country for such a work. Support them!

My 0,02 EUR.
sure, and what would have interested me was more the modified version. but i could still try doing it on perfboard(?) or try doing a pcb myself... as i know myself this will either never happen or take quite some time...
[quote author="TobWen"]that's why it's called DO-IT-YOURSELF :)[/quote]

you might have a point there...
Did a PCB ever happen for this project? I would be interested in fabbing one for myself and doing a few channels if there is.
