Active member
That's very nice. I wonder if that is just a floppy and SD reader combo without actual change to the SP firmware itself.
How's it coming?Hey everyone, this is my first post here. I've had an idea to create a sampler with the same D/A and output stages of the SP1200, but with the following changes:
- Modern digital parts (besides the DA converter and SSM2044 filter chips) and increased memory and MIDI response speed over the original sampler
- Improved power supply (since I understand the original had some issues)
- No sequencer... functioning as a rackmount MIDI-controlled module only
- Saving to SDcard
I'm confident that I would be able to handle the digital components and microcontroller programming to make it function, but my knowledge of analog circuitry and power supply design is nearly nonexistent. Would anybody be interested in assisting with such a project? I have the original service manual and schematics.
Right now, this project is just an idea, but ultimately I'd like to make the PCB designs and source code freely available for anybody to build or improve upon.