VU Meter stereo attenuator

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2011
I would like to add a stereo attenuator to a set of VU meters I have. I'm inspired by Crookwood's beautiful VU meter package, which has a single attenuator with 0db, -3db,-6db,-9db, etc. Six positions going down to -15db
Is the best approach an H-pad on a four-deck, 6 position Grayhill switch? Is there a good reference for the resistor values for each step? I've found one for 600 ohm equipment, but I'm not sure with that's the best approach for the line level output of a DAC.
Is there a good reference for the resistor values for each step?
maybe this? I think there are others mentioned here somewhere..

but I'm not sure with that's the best approach for the line level output of a DAC.
Right.... Others will have to chime in..
I built a 5k bridged T and have no issues apart from goofing my lower steps to go from off to more loud than I would initially like....
Check out the goldpoint site, they have schematics and good info. (And very high quality switches).
I ran a passive monitor controller with a 10k attenuator for years until I switched to an active design recently. With added features the passive interacted poorly with one of my monitors, which were tube 600 ohm input.
Somewhere here in the last 2 years I posted a Neve chart for VU attenuator values, which assumes you're not buffering and doing it the traditional resistive way. Can't find it.....
Thanks, everyone.
I didn't actually realize that the bridged-T can essentially be mirrored into an H-pad for balanced audio. There's a few calculators out there for bridged-T attenuators.

I'm still not sure what impedance to set the pad for. It would be driven by a DAC. Should I design the stepped attenuator for 10k input impedance?

For 10k impedance, these are the values for -3db attenuation, for instance.
If you are strapping un-buffered VU meters parallel to balanced line level signals, that ain’t great. That can't be what you are doing.
So assuming they are buffered, you should modify the buffer circuit by adding a pot to the op amp output of each channel, and determine the resistance values you need for the attenuation levels you want, and wiring those values to a switch like in the pic. The same exercise as making "mastering" versions of equipment.
I certainly want anything that might be paralleled onto audio signals like a stereo mix to be invisible, and a variable pad is not, certainly not as invisible as a single fixed 20k resistor or whatever the buffer input impedance is.
If you are strapping un-buffered VU meters parallel to balanced line level signals, that ain’t great. That can't be what you are doing.
So assuming they are buffered, you should modify the buffer circuit by adding a pot to the op amp output of each channel, and determine the resistance values you need for the attenuation levels you want, and wiring those values to a switch like in the pic. The same exercise as making "mastering" versions of equipment.
I certainly want anything that might be paralleled onto audio signals like a stereo mix to be invisible, and a variable pad is not, certainly not as invisible as a single fixed 20k resistor or whatever the buffer input impedance is.
Thanks for that. I'm actually looking to install and attenuator in front of a bank of stand-alone Ward-Beck meters. They have a large range of attenuation on the trim pot on the back, but I was hoping for something I could switch in and out quickly.

My monitor controller has a dedicated output for an analog meter. But when tracking on a mobile recording session I'd like to send analog to the meters through some unused analog outputs on my interface.

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