Wavetek 185 - too much for my DIY needs?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2004
I bought a package of used test equipment from a repair shop closing down. In the package is Wavetek 185 function generator.

I do need a proper signal generator to complement my old HP valve sinewave unit (huge 19" / 4U box) but perhaps this Wavetek unit is way over the top - perhaps better sell it and buy something simpler and a few other gadgets. The seem to be selling used for around $300-400.

And is there really a use for sweep generator for general audio DIY? I've never felt the need for it...

Basic specs of the Wavetek 185;

"The 185 Function Generator covers the frequency range of 0.0001Hz to 5MHz (10 ranges). ? Sine, triangle, square, positive pulse, negative pulse ? Operating modes: Continuous, triggered, gated, sweep ? Dial accuracy: ±2%"

Any suggestions / comments welcome!
I wouldn't spend over 100 for a generator. They are very useful for diy audio , especially transformers. ebay.
[quote author="CJ"]I wouldn't spend over 100 for a generator.[/quote]

Sure - and I spent less than $150 for the whole package including a decent scope, a weller soldering station, a varic, various bits and this Wavetek.

I just figure - maybe sell the Wavetek and buy a much simpler function generator and save the rest for some other purchases.
Perhaps you should think of the Wavetek as "something to grow into". It would be a shame to have one, sell it, then want it back down the road.