What a loss, R.I.P. David Bowie

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2005
Can't quite believe he has left us, he was a musical genius,

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Play this and cry, for its perfection and originality.


Out of this world


Having had all day for it to sink in, the scale of the loss is kind of overwhelming, I don't mind admitting I've shed a few tears today watching his performances and Pucho's link.

Always pitch perfect he recorded his vocals in one take, that is real stardom.

It's not like he ever stood still, the guy was two years older than me but still 20 years old in his head!

I just listened to Blackstar and for someone who could be drawing his pension to do drum and bass is mind blowing.

What the hell have we got left now to fill that void, rien rien rien.

DaveP :'(
When I was in High Screwl <g> circa late 1960's/early 70's,  a friend  (name now is forgotten...crazy times for me) turned me on to Bowie with "Space Oddity".

During the decades since, "Ground control to Major Tom" became one of my one-liners, when I try to talk sense into someone else who is lacking sense at the moment/conversation.

Older folks sometimes catch my meaning when I utter that to them....totally lost with "youngsters"!


I walked with a friend down 3 miles of railroad tracks to get to a midnight movie showing (the one and only time it appeared locally) of Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture when it came out in '83.  I was too young to drive yet.  It was the event of the month, for sure, and I don't see many parents allowing that trip today. 
Yes!  Tesla in Prestige. 

Brian, one of my favorite one-liners is "I think perhaps Mr. Newton has had enough, don't you?"  Such a deep line in context.

He released ten singles before "Space" hit, so you should never give-up on your dreams!
PS: the FeeVee, radio, and print coverage was horrible.  They all used AP or Reuters for his bio. 