What is the signal path in your console? Q's about rewiring.

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Atlanta GA USA
So I've been doing a lot of thinking and realized something the other day that I seemed to have overlooked for some time for some reason..

I guess I could really start by asking, how does the signal path in your console route when you are just tracking?

I realized that the signal path of my console, even when all sections are switched out goes through a number of unneeded (op)amps when just tracking to the recorder. it goes something like this.

input, preamp(with servo), buffer(for low cut, high and low EQ), another buffer(for parametric eqs) buffer(for panning), summing amp for the main fader, balancing section/buffer to tape out elco. I have removed most caps in the channelstrips and replaced most opamps(that would cause DC problems) with FET varieties like the OPA2604 or OPA627.

whew, that's a lot of stuff to bypass. I would *like* to install a switch behind the preamp to route the signal straight through the balancing opamp to the recorder(tascam mx2424) using the preamp gain/trim for the adjustments. the mixdown would be the normal chain though. Anyone see a problem with this that I might not be seeing?

I thought about this since I ALWAYS switch out all eq and inserts and set the main faders to unity, pretty much just allowing the signal to move through without affecting it.

I have already installed switches in a pair of channels to bypass the internal preamp so that I could use outboard preamps like the 1272. I would like to try going straight to the recorder now and see how it works out but was just looking for some opinions.

With good-quality signal chain, you needn't worry too much. Here's an overview schemo of the signal chain in our calrec - 5534's, 072's and 356's throughout. But well thought out.


Jakob E.
Thanks Jakob. I'm going to take a pair of channels, do the mods and see what happens. Looking at the flow chart of the Calrec and seeing how it's similar, I'm guessing I won't see much improvement. I'll report on this when I get it done.

thanks! :thumb:
Why not set up your patchbay to do a mult(splice) from your insert point. Split the send, and fire that off to your recorder? If your insert is before the EQ, this should be a very clean signal path.

Just a thought....


DR.F: I have the choice of insert before or after EQ, my current setup is before because I like some of the effect it has on the EQ.

SSLtech: The bypass switch bypasses the EQ buffers but not the insert buffer. the rest of the circuit stays inline, which is really the pan and fader circuit.


I went ahead and did the mod to a pair of channels with fair results. I do hear a bit of a difference and am pleased with the results however it isn't the increase in fidelity that I had hoped, but the charachter of the preamp I am using is, lets say, unshrouded from the charachter of a handful of opamps.

For 10 minutes of time, a switch and some wire, this is a mod I will be doing to more channels for sure.
I had always wanted to do this to my ghost, my solution however was selling the console... I think its a totally worthwhile thing to do. The one thing I always wanted to try was bypassing the summing completely and just putting a transformer after the mic pre or a small driver stage into a transformer for tracking. Dont know if that would work in your console, but if there is room in the chasis for a transformer, that might be something to consider as well.

I've thought about doing that briefly and if i come across a few trafos I will try it, but for now I was just using sandstate stuff because i have the stuff laying around. I do see some improvement by doing this, but more along the lines of getting the charachter of the preamp to be less affected by the other circutry, not really a big improvement in clarity.

There is a good deal of room in the console as each strip is removable and has about 1.5 inches of clearance to the sides and about 4 inches of clearance from the board to the bottom of the chassis. as long as the trafo isn't too big or heavy I don't see any problems putting it in there.

thanks soundguy, did you have any trafos in mind?