Wires...Interesting facts...

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[quote author="PRR"]> Is everything really SO bad?...


Screw the wires: speakers and rooms REALLY SUCK.[/quote]

Well this is where all my problems are too. If I move my head a few inches farther away from my speakers the whole mix changes.

I use headphones a lot.

At the studio my problem is bad drummers.
AMEN! but the original article gave me a huge laugh! I've never seen so many half-baked ideas assembled in one place before.
I suppose there are people who take it seriously..? :shock:
I must make sure that we use molecular aligned hook-up wire in future... and it must all be white of course!
it HAS to be one single long copper crystal to be anywhere near perfect don't you know? they do it for airplane turbines..

One of the most important things you are forgetting is how to carry the cable home from the store. When the cable is coiled (Must be counter-clockwise, obviously), care must be taken to keep the end caps on and in the vertical position. This will prevent the non-ferrous electrons from falling out, thus increasing the ferrous to non-ferrous ratio to increase exponentially. And white is definitely the wrong color for the jacket, red is much more acoustically absorbant........OK I cant do this any more. It is hard to type when I am laughing so hard. :razz:

Just make sure when driving home that you make only a succession of right turns (or left turns, depending upon your political and religious orientation). This may require some consultation of maps before selecting a vendor.
no right angles!!

electrons bunch up in corners and will cause your sound to blur!

oh wait.. electrons DO bunch up in corners.. but not at audio frequncies.. :shock:
electrons bunching in corners is something that an RF engineer I know talks(complains) about.. at such high frequencies and power levels electrons do tend to have issues in smaller traces with tight corners. I have also read this in various places too but I still take it with a grain of salt.
Only the delinquent electrons bunch up at corners, smoking quantum cigarettes and wearing leather jackets.
Circuit board traces become a hassle as the frequency moves up.
They have equipment for measuring propagation, delay, inductance, etc of traces. Yes there are differences between round and square corners at microwave frequencies.
I also went into a hifi store once. They tried to sell me linear crystal oxygen free silver balanced interconnect - a squillion pounds per metre. i pointed out that the record he was auditioning had been recorded through @ 2miles of cable/64 fet switches/90 vca's/ and god knows how many capacitors/transformers etc etc etc. I should know, I recorded it. He would have none of it. Now I figure that if i cannot hear a difference, and my hearing is finely tuned to daily comparisons of audio differences, the emperor really is wearing nada . . .etc. Well suffice it to say that after correcting the phase of the speakers(Yup!), and assuring him that, yes, a drumkit really IS that bright, and yes, i personally DID know, since i personally had recorded that particular drumkit and yes,. I was the same AndyP that he could read on the sleave etc etc etc, I asked him why, with an unbalanced system, he was recomending a balanced cable. Now, I might be able to accept the arguement that a cable that screens only at one end , radiating from the pre-amp, might perhaps lower the noise by a squillionth,and the arrow on it might concievably point to the pre-amp to show which end was screened, but i was not prepared for the answer he gave. Thus . . . "the arrow shows which way the electrons go . . . . "really?" i said. "Don't they also have to come back?" "No," he said,"that's the way they go,. . . . and then they get amplified . . . . " I didn't bother to explain that he had just pretty much described a Black Hole . . . .

Ho Hum

look into magnet wire if you really wanna see whats in the bottom of the vat....

i was flashing on a crt tube, do the electrons die when they emmit light? no, it's the phosphur, the e- s go down the anode clip.

electrons do have mass, which explains the corners thing. mass = momentum

thats why the guy got the patent for a bent gun crt tube. ions are 1840 times as heavy as electrons, so if you put a magnet on the beam and bend it, then bend it back, you lose the ions and the tv tube dosen't turn brown.

those old timers ... would like to know what kind of Scotch they were drinkin !
Hi guys..I'm new here...

if my gear or my abilities ever GETS to the point I can value worrying about that stuff, LMAO, i will have impressed myself.

the only analogy I can come up with is this one:

the young kids I hang out with, the musicians...they play real instruments, so, go FIGURE they hate digital instruments, right? Me, i always could appreciate the tight, neat sound they have, and some of the precise sounding mixes/songs they can make.

the kids, that play guitar and drums, think "thomas dolby" stuff sounds "cold" and "hard". M and they both heard you use "tube" stuff and "tube affects" to bring back the "warmth" and :life" to cold, harsh music...

all teh work a pro audio guy goes to, to get accurate sounds reproduction, by any means possible, to get the cleanest and purest waves possible...then, you will turn around and run stuff thru TUBES and TUBE EFFECTS to "warm it up" and "make it sound better", LMAO

sometimes distortion and error sound GOOD, sound HUMAN. I'm not talking 741 op amp error, lmao...but, when things get too clean, and too precise, people sometimes complain.

To top it ALL off, maybe next month will be another band come out doing that "retro" thing, where you brag about using old, secondhand equipment.

Oh well...if my gear or my abilitie4s ever get near the point any of that stuff starts being relevant...I'll worry about it then.

"I gots to gets more basics down, first", lmao.
> They tried to sell me linear crystal oxygen free silver balanced interconnect - a squillion pounds per metre. i pointed out that the record he was auditioning had been recorded through @ 2miles of cable/64 fet switches/90 vca's/ and god knows how many capacitors/transformers etc etc etc. I should know, I recorded it.

See? Even though you did all those terrible things to the sound, his precious wire was able to recover perfect music.

> I figure that if i cannot hear a difference

Stand on the other side of the sales counter. You will hear a difference.

> after correcting the phase of the speakers(Yup!)

If you pay enough for the wires, you don't need to fret the phase.

> assuring him that, yes, a drumkit really IS that bright

Doesn't anybody go hear live music any more?

> he had just pretty much described a Black Hole . . . .

Yup. And I don't mean the electrons.

> brag about using old, secondhand equipment.

Secondhand? That's way too new, man!

> "If you get yer nose outta that book, you might learn sumthin'"

You can learn a lot by listening.
Welcome, sedstar.