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WTB Extender Cards - Amek, MCI, Trident ect

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2015
Looking for some channel extenders. Mostly need one for an Amek Angela, and a MCI 600, wouldnt mind one for an 80b. But curious about any makes and models you may have. If you got one DM me please, thanks!
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I could easily design some PCB extenders for whatever you need.... PM me and we can talk about price. It wouldn't be much more than finding existing ones
Having spent a lot of time using console extenders, the type that have a male connector wired to a female with enough cable to lay the module on either side are the way to go, and usually not too difficult to come up with the connectors and build.
The 1 piece kind can be a real drag.
I'd be interested in an extender for the MCI JH-24 if Tubemonkey is going to manufacture. The pcb type is the way to go with this particular beast to allow easy adjustment
Thanks TubeMonkey, but I find the female edge connectors to be the limiting factor here. If you can prove me wrong I would be grateful, but I often find that the correctly spaced amphenol connectors of appropriate length to be unobtainium.
Bump. Could use a Trident 80 series currently, but open to any that people might have in a box of parts somewhere.
Didn´t Trident use the same blue connectors as Amek did in early desks (Angela, M2500, M3000...)? If so then check audiomaintenance.com. Colin is selling the connectors from which an extender could be DIYed.
Didn´t Trident use the same blue connectors as Amek did in early desks (Angela, M2500, M3000...)? If so then check audiomaintenance.com. Colin is selling the connectors from which an extender could be DIYed.

Trident uses 0.150 spacing. I dont remember if Amek used that, I think the Angela is 0.153 but I saw some rad extenders on Reverb (sold) from Endangered Audio Research but the seller hasnt responded to me and I cannot find anything about them that isnt from years ago so idk if they are around, if anyone knows Im all ears, would prefer not to have to spend time making them.
I might be looking for an extender for a DDA D series if anyone happens to know where to find one .
A customer has one with no signal on the master bus .
I might be looking for an extender for a DDA D series if anyone happens to know where to find one .
A customer has one with no signal on the master bus .
IIRC the internal buswiring is long enough to be pulled out with a channel connected to it. It´s a long time ago that I worked on a D-Series, though, so I might be wrong...
Thanks Jensenmann ,
I should be able to do a preliminary check on the mixer in the next couple of days , should be possible to narrow down the trouble with basic test gear , visual inspection of the pcb might also reveal something amiss .

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