Yamaha RM800

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Nov 13, 2006
This is my 1st post here and am looking towards you guys for a little advice. I came across a Yamaha RM800 24 ch mixer that I purchased for a very good price locally. I really like the switching options and the flexibility of the mixer. Well of course my cheap mixer had a couple of noisy switches and eventually<last weekend> I took it apart to clean the switches <which is a whole other story> anyway when I took this apart I was amazed at its construction. I expected to see a single board or 2 with all the switches and pots and faders on it with surface mount components and all... sort of Be;;inger like...
BUT to my surprise each channel has its own single sided circuit board that runs the length of the channel and has electrolytics, mylar caps, ICs and what appear to be 1/4 watt resistors... I am not sure if they are metal or not. All the board are hooked together with a big ribbon cable that end up over in the mixdown section and there are 2 different types of input boards and A and B board with mic inputs, and then aux and mix boards these all feed into.
Anyway I was surprised that this was built this way and started to pull things apart and looked at them. The A and B board look to be fairly simple with a transistor front end and then ICs in the preamp, EQ and then out to the aux and etc. It looks like everything is pretty good components with the exception of the JRC4558D IC chips on these channels they also have JRC2086DD. Now I think that the 2086s are OK chips but things may sound better if I replaced the 4558s with JRCor ??? 5532 OP amps as these are a lot cleaner and better sounding.I havent taken any of the aux, buss or mix boards out but I am assuming they also have a 4558 or 2 on them.
My main question here is I beleive the 5532 is a direct replacement for these 4558s would it be worth my time to go thru and replace the 60 or so chips with the 5532s and what maker of chip should I look for. Also is the 2086DD and OK chip... it looks like a low noise and high slew rate amp, or is there a better solution to that, there are about 30 of those.
Am I going to be wasting my time with this project and only see minmal returns or do you guys and gals think it could be worth doing this. It would be a bit of work to change all of the 4558s but I think I could make it thru that...but much more than that... like a new power supply or any too much cap replacement of circuit reconfig is going to be a bit much.
I am looking to you hardcore highend DIYers for some direction...
I also have some pics pf this thing taken apart that if anyone is interested in will pos. and if I go ahead with mods recommended I will try to document the results and procedure.

I would replace the OPs on one channel only and then A/B the results....if you like it great..contuinue doing it ..if not,no harm done,you did not go through 100 ICs.
Thanks Aaron I was planning on ordering 30 of them and doing the 8 MIC channels in the board one at a time and seeing what happened. The 5532 chips arent that expensive and I am fairly certain it will sound better.
[quote author="manfromplanetx137"]BUT to my surprise each channel has its own single sided circuit board that runs the length of the channel and has electrolytics, mylar caps, ICs and what appear to be 1/4 watt resistors...[/quote]
Yup, those are channel strips. By the way, since you have it open anyway, pictures of the insides are always appreciated.
[quote author="manfromplanetx137"]Now I think that the 2086s are OK chips but things may sound better if I replaced the 4558s with JRCor ??? 5532 OP amps as these are a lot cleaner and better sounding.[/quote]
It depends.

"So if I run my car on nitreous it should go faster, right ?" Maybe. Maybe your engine block won't take the extra pressure. Maybe your car's injection computer will get really confused. Maybe it will kill your emission control system. The 4558 isn't a bad op-amp if it's in a properly designed circuit. The 5532 is arguably a better part, but it might also bring out the worst in the particular configuration used in your desk.

(By the way, there are lots of articles and threads on op-amp subbing on this forum, other fora and the Interweb in general. This is one that I came across recently. The gist is that (a) It Depends on the circuit the op-amp is in, (b) some people like different configs than other people and (c) if you like the way your console sounds, why go subbing parts ?).
[quote author="Aharon"]I would replace the OPs on one channel only and then A/B the results....if you like it great..contuinue doing it ..if not,no harm done,you did not go through 100 ICs.[/quote]
What he said.

Good luck, and do show us some pictures.

thanks JD yes I was surprised to find channel strips ... boards in that mixer... like I said I expected it to be much cheaper in construction, so that made me happy... of course I get excited and am now thinking MOD it but like you say no sense doing a mod if it isnt needed or doesnt really work right...
Part of the problem is the thing is so damn big and unwieldy that my wife and i have to move it around everytime I decide I like the mod...hee hee
oh well
I will post some pic this eve... like I said it was more than I expected...
here are a few pics...
the board when I got it home before cleaning...

The 16 input channels with channel 1 out of it...
[img]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r17/larrydalealbrecht/DSC04196.jpg (alt+p)

The 8 Mic channels and aux out led meter PWS and stereo busses...

The A line in board and the B mic board...

So far I have pulled most of the out to clean and repair the routing switches... as far as mods it might not happen at this time because we are hosting Thanksgiving next week... and... this is in my kitchen...
here are a few pics...
the board when I got it home before cleaning...

The 16 input channels with channel 1 out of it...
http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r17/larrydalealbrecht/DSC04196.jpg (alt+p)

The 8 Mic channels and aux out led meter PWS and stereo busses...
[IMG]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r17/larrydalealbrecht/DSC04195.jpg (alt+p)

The A line in board and the B mic board...

So far I have pulled most of the out to clean and repair the routing switches... as far as mods it might not happen at this time because we are hosting Thanksgiving next week... and... this is in my kitchen...
Can you repost pictures of the RM800 circuit boards if you still have them?
It always fascinates me that people think they can do better than the original designer, in this case the mighty Yamaha. Fitting 5534s could end very badly. As has been suggested, do ONE channel. But there are many factors to be considered including the ability of thee power supply to cope with the extra load.