> I question the need to approach zero source impedance;
AP is lab-gear, not studio gear.
When I use my H-P 200AB oscillator, and need to pad its output to a specific impedance (as when testing transformers), I have to remember to allow for its 70Ω output resistance (DCR of the nominal 600Ω secondary winding). Need 600Ω exact? Find a 530Ω resistor. And while my needs are not so precise, some folks would notice the DCR drift a few ohms as the chassis warmed up. You can calculate-away most of these effects, but it may be nicer if you don't have to. (My Heath oscillator, I modified to have a nearly-zero-Z output, for similar operational simplification.)
Anyway, for what AP charges, you should expect every convenience for high precision.
And of course, the other reason AP "must" use NFB around the isolation transformer is to reduce distortion. THD of good iron is low, but not as low as the AP's THD residual. 0.1% iron-distortion at 20Hz may be inaudible, but people measuring transformerless gear want to test and boast their 0.01% THD, not be limited by iron distortion.