Any opinions about the 'Golden Drop' capsules, as used by JZ Microphones?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2009
Haule / The Netherlands
"The Golden Drop diaphragm gives more clarity, more precision,  less coloration and less frequency response distortion".

This is what is claimed by JZ microphones. (By the way: what is "frequency response distortion" ?)

No doubt the JZ microphones will sound good, but is there a real advantage in the "Golden Drop" technology?
I can imagine that the output would be lower if the whole diaphragm is not covered with gold.
(Less capacity means: less capacity deviation = less output!)
Is it an innovative design, or just a way 'to do things different'?


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Interesting thoughts but in the real world; I have a dealer that has me replace each capsules diaphragm with a solid before on selling them. 
Nice video, but it doesn't really elaborate on the golden drop capsule.

OK, let me think out loud.
Preliminary brain farts, mind.
One arguable problem with regular large membranes is that they break up in the audible range.
Possibly the separate drops help in this regard.
On the other hand, the membrane itself still vibrates as a whole, virtually the same as a regular membrane would.
Also, the total effective (gold) surface doesn't seem to be much more, if anything, than a small membrane's gold surface.
So the signal to noise ratio (all other things being equal) would be like that of an SDC.
And the latter doesn't have the aforementioned break up problem to begin with.
BTW, I do applaud them for trying to be innovative.
Traditional microphone making is covered a-plenty.

I have their weird pop filter and it actually works very well.
I wish to have at least one for my builds...
Really like it, but only know it from JZ mike, didn't test in different circuit.
Definately high quality.
I need to ask is there option to buy capsule separately :)

This is real innovation :D


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I had seen rectangle and oval shape as alternatives to round or circular.

Kidney is new to me.

Asymmetry had crossed my mind before, though.
And it's likely no coincidence the early mic developers settled for round.
In condenser mics that is. 
Ribbons, for instance, are a  completely different story, of course.
And despite their high end roll off, they are very accurate.

Human ear drums are round-ish FWIW.
And domed.
Which looks more like the membrane in a moving coil mic.

Milab did have some success with their condenser mics that had rectangular membranes.
On the other hand, the idea never really caught on.
More cons than pros probably.
Or simply not worth the trouble.

Bock currently has success with oval membranes.
People are willing to pay the price for Bock mics that wear them.
Perhaps David will chime in.

Anyway, I can see why one would explore the idea of trying  something other than round.
Not saying it's better, mind.
As always, the proof is in the pudding.

Going back to the JZ capsule you posted; for this idea I would have started with a larger membrane.
It works I guess they sell mics. My question has always been how do the individual dots make electrical contact to form the whole diaphragm plate?

As I understand the science behind alternate to the norm shaped and edge terminated capsules, it is all about moving the resonant frequency around.
My guess is, they're just skimping (saving money) on the gold, and putting a positive marketing twist on it ;D

*** end of cynical joke***
It looks like it is coated to me. 
Look close at the pictures you can find on the web.
The dots are the standard 250ang and the lines between are about 125ang.  The problem here is that the impedance between the dots is around 39ohm!  So realistically there is some strange stuff happening there that does affect the Mics overall response and not in a positive direction (my opinion only of course)!!
I didn't noticed anything strange with microphones which use these capsules, in fact if we compare chinese based peluso, aamicrophones and many others where the price range is really similar, there is no comparison at all.
Quality of build and quality of sound are amazing and all is made in Europe.
For another comparison - Oktava - any microphone which i had in my hand was potential candidate for mod, capsules are pretty fine but whole qulity sucks. PCB from soviet era - hard to work with, ringing bodies, headbaskets sucks,  and usul many things to change inside the circuit.
I opened few of JZ mikes and there was nothing to mod at all - from sound character side as also from components side.
As curios in their custom shop there are response graphs for few capsules to compare.

Another thing is their support!
I had to replace spring in my BT201, since my microphones are out of warranty, i wanted to buy the parts.
They sent me two spare sets for free.
I'm completely not related with this company but a  huge fan!

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