Are my cad files loadable?

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2015
So I am thinking of making one of my projects available as a PCB with 121 SMD components already in place. It is a dual mono saturation device. It also has a switch to engage internal M/S processing. Builders will have to populate transformers, relays, opamps etc. Although I have made 2 19" rack cases for my prototypes I am struggling with getting a case worked out.

I have tried communicating with a UK case manufacturer however they were complaining that none of my files would open.
If anyone has a spare 5mins could you try and load my files. Hopefully I can find out where I went wrong.
Here is a step file moons VERSAMET.step?dl=0I have my Freecad file moons small v case.FCStd?dl=0And this is what it should look like

82 moons with power button.png

This case was taken from their CAD file and I was amazed it all lined up even with my Illustrator file I used and my 3d export from Kicad whilst building the prototypes. The 'comfort' handles need to be removed and as a CAD newbie I could not investigate the inside clearances.
Here is a photo of the unit in the rack. Its is such a simple design, I had considered the Don Audio cases but that is too pricey.
82 moons.jpg
If anyone can shed some light on my files and maybe suggest a better export from Freecad.
So I am thinking of making one of my projects available as a PCB with 121 SMD components already in place. It is a dual mono saturation device. It also has a switch to engage internal M/S processing. Builders will have to populate transformers, relays, opamps etc. Although I have made 2 19" rack cases for my prototypes I am struggling with getting a case worked out.

I have tried communicating with a UK case manufacturer however they were complaining that none of my files would open.
If anyone has a spare 5mins could you try and load my files. Hopefully I can find out where I went wrong.
Here is a step file moons VERSAMET.step?dl=0I have my Freecad file moons small v case.FCStd?dl=0And this is what it should look like

View attachment 100603

This case was taken from their CAD file and I was amazed it all lined up even with my Illustrator file I used and my 3d export from Kicad whilst building the prototypes. The 'comfort' handles need to be removed and as a CAD newbie I could not investigate the inside clearances.
Here is a photo of the unit in the rack. Its is such a simple design, I had considered the Don Audio cases but that is too pricey.
View attachment 100604
If anyone can shed some light on my files and maybe suggest a better export from Freecad.
I am guessing that you are looking for something like what is shown below.....only with your XLR connectors and potentiometer control holes shown as cutouts, correct???

It just so happens that I am familiar with the VERSAMET enclosures and I have just downloaded all of this enclosures CAD-files in case you would like to have me help you with your project. I am quite well-familiar with designing 19" rack-enclosures and panels and I also just happen to have a USD $7,600 3D Mechanical CAD-Design program (i.e., SolidWorks) to design chassis, enclosures and panels and then export the appropriate fabrication drawings and files for use by the sheet-metal shops. One company that had me design their prototype chassis ended up costing $50,000 per chassis to create and they had -- 250 prototypes -- made at a total cost of $12,500,000.00!!! The technology this company had developed had "never-been-done-before" and is now the worldwide broadcast standard for all of the "AM & FM Digital Radio Broadcast" transmitters!!! Just a small bit of my background.

I was able to load-in your -- .step -- file, but I am guessing that because you have included your PCB within the enclosure file, I was unable to edit the enclosure in the manner you are seeking. I suggest that you try sending me all of your individual files and then include a detailed description of what it is exactly that you want to have done. Then, I can deal with everything separately and put everything together for you and then send things your way later on. Is this what you are looking for?.....

It looks to me as though you will need to have a new front-panel made in order to get rid of the notches and holes that are there for the handles.

I have also included some downloaded PDF files from the VERSAMET website that explains in more detail the mechanical dimensions that you are looking for. >>> ALSO!!! <<< ..... I have attached a -- .txt -- file THAT SHOULD BE RENAMED TO BE A CAD-file -- .stp -- file!!! This forum doesn't allow for named CAD-files to be directly uploaded!!! They need a work-around.

SO!!!..........if you wanna have me assist you with your project here.....just let me know and carefully detail what it is that you want to have done, OK??? C'YA!!!



  • versamet_catalog.pdf
    8.6 MB
  • M4919119-2.pdf
    150.7 KB
  • M4919119.pdf
    1.2 MB
  • M4919119.dxf
    1.9 MB
  • M4919119-2.txt
    1.1 MB
  • JBW-Designed - RACK STUFF -- Assemblies-Chassis-DAB-Enclosures-Panels-PCB's-Systems_2205.pdf
    9 MB
So I am thinking of making one of my projects available as a PCB with 121 SMD components already in place. It is a dual mono saturation device. It also has a switch to engage internal M/S processing. Builders will have to populate transformers, relays, opamps etc. Although I have made 2 19" rack cases for my prototypes I am struggling with getting a case worked out.

I have tried communicating with a UK case manufacturer however they were complaining that none of my files would open.
If anyone has a spare 5mins could you try and load my files. Hopefully I can find out where I went wrong.
Here is a step file moons VERSAMET.step?dl=0I have my Freecad file moons small v case.FCStd?dl=0And this is what it should look like

View attachment 100603

This case was taken from their CAD file and I was amazed it all lined up even with my Illustrator file I used and my 3d export from Kicad whilst building the prototypes. The 'comfort' handles need to be removed and as a CAD newbie I could not investigate the inside clearances.
Here is a photo of the unit in the rack. Its is such a simple design, I had considered the Don Audio cases but that is too pricey.
View attachment 100604
If anyone can shed some light on my files and maybe suggest a better export from Freecad.
Well.....I don't know if you are still around here on this forum or not, but I have some decent information for you about your front-panel request. See below.....

Attached are a series of PDF files that show a new front-panel for your project that I have designed for you!!! One drawing is an "undimensioned" mechanical detail drawing, another shows your front-panel viewed as looking at it head-on and the final PDF file shows your front-panel in an "Isometric" view. See if this will work for you, OK???

One thing that was noticeably obvious to me about your -- STEP -- file is.....the left-hand XLR connector is directly right in the exact same place as where the VERSAMET enclosure and its front-panel have their mounting hardware located. So, in reality, your project "won't fly"!!! However, I did some checking around and found out that -- IF -- you move your PCB assembly over towards the right exactly 0.90-inch (22.86mm), the PCB will be in a location within the chassis to clear the mounting hardware on both sides of the enclosure and the front-panel. I'm not going to bother to do that now because I don't know if you will even ever see this message and/or my previous message, so why should I bother? You asked for some help, I have provided some for you, but then you vaporize!!!

Check out the attached PDF files and let me know what you think OK??? And.....should you ever decide to respond, do so via a PM because I will definitely see that in my e-mail inbox, but a reply here is something I can easily miss as your response can get lost in the clutter of a thread posting notice.




  • 82-MOONS Front-Panel - Drawing.pdf
    47.5 KB
  • 82-MOONS Front-Panel - Front-View.pdf
    100.1 KB
  • 82-MOONS Front-Panel - Isometric View.pdf
    111.2 KB
So I am thinking of making one of my projects available as a PCB with 121 SMD components already in place. It is a dual mono saturation device. It also has a switch to engage internal M/S processing. Builders will have to populate transformers, relays, opamps etc. Although I have made 2 19" rack cases for my prototypes I am struggling with getting a case worked out.

I have tried communicating with a UK case manufacturer however they were complaining that none of my files would open.
If anyone has a spare 5mins could you try and load my files. Hopefully I can find out where I went wrong.
Here is a step file moons VERSAMET.step?dl=0I have my Freecad file moons small v case.FCStd?dl=0And this is what it should look like

View attachment 100603

This case was taken from their CAD file and I was amazed it all lined up even with my Illustrator file I used and my 3d export from Kicad whilst building the prototypes. The 'comfort' handles need to be removed and as a CAD newbie I could not investigate the inside clearances.
Here is a photo of the unit in the rack. Its is such a simple design, I had considered the Don Audio cases but that is too pricey.
View attachment 100604
If anyone can shed some light on my files and maybe suggest a better export from Freecad.
RNA: Were you ever able to resolve your -- .stp -- file problem resolved? I came up with a variety of "problem solvers" for you, but there has been no response from you since after your first posting. Are you still alive???


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