Well-known member
Dear Members,
I have to move out of my rooms and need a good place for my beloved console.
This is very likely the last working RFZ 700 console alive.
I have to move out on 31. August.
The console is still running but I will have to start the desoldering rather soon.
I'm asking 15000€.
Second option for me is that I find a cool project somewhere else. Quit my dayjob and move with the console.
The console comes out of a recording truck from 1984.
It was fully recapped and serviced 13 Years ago.
As with most other vintage console there are always things to fix, but (after we did all the relays) there was never any super complicated playground on the maintenance.
The main 24 Channels are in propper working condition and I still was working on projects last winter.
There are all the documents and spareparts.
I will not sell any of the spareparts or any single modules at the moment. It should all go with the desk.
This is the original overview: erste Farbkorrektur Kopie.jpg?dl=0
It contains of:
24 channels + 16 Addchannels (1 Poti + L-M-R)
8 Groups
8 additional Faderinputs
2 Sendeleitungen
Aux 1,2,3 or(!) 4 in channels and groups.
1 Transformerbalanced output per channel and group.
32x V781 Preamps for mic and summing
15x Panoramamodules with MS-Matrix
14x EQ W734
2x EQ W735
2 Compressors
lots of commandoamps like V740/V742
1x Remote for Plate
Powersupply-rack with 6 PS
The Meters on the picture are out for repair atm.
O18 Loudspeaker with Amprack
Good workflow with the console for us was printing a livemix of the band while recording with all the single signals as a backup.
Also parts very good with any 8-Track approaches.
The desk is located near Munich.
best greetings,
I have to move out of my rooms and need a good place for my beloved console.
This is very likely the last working RFZ 700 console alive.
I have to move out on 31. August.
The console is still running but I will have to start the desoldering rather soon.
I'm asking 15000€.
Second option for me is that I find a cool project somewhere else. Quit my dayjob and move with the console.
The console comes out of a recording truck from 1984.
It was fully recapped and serviced 13 Years ago.
As with most other vintage console there are always things to fix, but (after we did all the relays) there was never any super complicated playground on the maintenance.
The main 24 Channels are in propper working condition and I still was working on projects last winter.
There are all the documents and spareparts.
I will not sell any of the spareparts or any single modules at the moment. It should all go with the desk.
This is the original overview: erste Farbkorrektur Kopie.jpg?dl=0
It contains of:
24 channels + 16 Addchannels (1 Poti + L-M-R)
8 Groups
8 additional Faderinputs
2 Sendeleitungen
Aux 1,2,3 or(!) 4 in channels and groups.
1 Transformerbalanced output per channel and group.
32x V781 Preamps for mic and summing
15x Panoramamodules with MS-Matrix
14x EQ W734
2x EQ W735
2 Compressors
lots of commandoamps like V740/V742
1x Remote for Plate
Powersupply-rack with 6 PS
The Meters on the picture are out for repair atm.
O18 Loudspeaker with Amprack
Good workflow with the console for us was printing a livemix of the band while recording with all the single signals as a backup.
Also parts very good with any 8-Track approaches.
The desk is located near Munich.
best greetings,