Falling foul of the woke brigade

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Well we tried to get the situation sorted last night with management ,but to no avail , it was the last gig my friends will be playing in that venue for the forseable future ,
its a pity .
I'll avoid back commenting on what anyone has said directly , I do agree with the sentiment that says this Woke-ism is out of control .
I love walking up to straight cis couples and saying to the man "you would be better off with a dick in your mouth" and then facing no consequences whatsoever

Very good point. I also remember a thread in this very forum titled "Happy Pride Month" getting locked because people found it offensive. Free speech has to go both ways. In your example I would also prefer a witty retort over flaming people on social media. But my guess would be that the person saying that line would end up with a black eye and a lot of folks here would consider that justice served.
To elaborate some more, maybe a different framing makes the issue more accessible to the 'conservatives': Imagine someone going into a church and telling the people praying there: "None of this makes any sense, you know. Have you considered atheism?" You would be mightily offended. You would decry the indifference to your "way of life" by the evil city dwelling godless elites. Many on your side would try and use any media outfit at your disposal as well as the courts and parliaments to stop it from happening again.

The problems are indifference / lack of empathy on the one side and the negative narcissism of indignation on the other side. Both seem to be rampant these days, on all sides of the political spectrum.

Again, I miss the relaxed irony of the 90s. It's a much better way of coping.
Very good point. I also remember a thread in this very forum titled "Happy Pride Month" getting locked because people found it offensive. Free speech has to go both ways. In your example I would also prefer a witty retort over flaming people on social media. But my guess would be that the person saying that line would end up with a black eye and a lot of folks here would consider that justice served.
I had to go back and look at that thread to refresh my memory.

I locked it because forum members could not respond in polite, and respectful ways. I warned that if they kept misbehaving, I would lock it... apparently this is still a sensitive topic for many here.

To elaborate some more, maybe a different framing makes the issue more accessible to the 'conservatives': Imagine someone going into a church and telling the people praying there: "None of this makes any sense, you know. Have you considered atheism?"
I'm a "fiscal 'conservative' small government mind your own business" type who is not involved in organized religion. Much of my family is religious as are many of my friends (from across the political spectrum).

You would be mightily offended. You would decry the indifference to your "way of life" by the evil city dwelling godless elites. Many on your side would try and use any media outfit at your disposal as well as the courts and parliaments to stop it from happening again.
No, some might take offense or disagree with the person making such statements, but I can't think of anyone among my religious family and friends who doesn't understand and value freedom of speech and religion*. They would not try to use the power of government to silence or control the atheist, but they might engage in debate or ask them to leave if they're disrupting a service or event at the church.

*My mother's family roots are Lutherans who fled the Baden Wurttemberg region of Germany in the early 1750s and immigrated to South Carolina. This history is not forgotten.

The problems are indifference / lack of empathy on the one side and the negative narcissism of indignation on the other side. Both seem to be rampant these days, on all sides of the political spectrum.
The problems I see are narcissism, intolerance, and over-sensitivity to any offense on the left. You have no right to be unoffended. Except for libel, slander, and incitement to violence, speech in a free society is not limited by the feelings of others. What you see as indifference and lack of empathy are simply people minding their own business and ignoring things that aren't of any real consequence.

Again, I miss the relaxed irony of the 90s. It's a much better way of coping.
I miss the 70s and 80s before safety culture, helicopter parenting, social media, and the 24/7 news cycle. When shows like All in the Family, Sanford and Son, and The Jeffersons addressed race relations thoughtfully and comedians like Flip Wilson, Eddie Murphy, and Richard Pryor entertained audiences of all races and helped heal the wounds of the past with humor.
The problems I see are narcissism, intolerance, and over-sensitivity to any offense on the left.
So let's see... a guy harrasses two patrons by telling them 'you girls would be better off finding husbands for yourselves'. The venue, and several others, decide not give this person any more gigs based on this behavior. Some right-wingers here are hopping mad on behalf of harrasser, about whom they know nothing except that he was a jerk.
...but it's the left who are narcissist, intolerant, and over-sensitive in this situation. :rolleyes:
So let's see... a guy harrasses two patrons by telling them 'you girls would be better off finding husbands for yourselves'.
In my view that isn't harrassment.

The venue, and several others, decide not give this person any more gigs based on this behavior.
Did the venue decide or were they effectively forced to by some of their aggressively aggrieved patrons?

Some right-wingers here are hopping mad on behalf of harrasser, about whom they know nothing except that he was a jerk.
First, I'm not a "right-winger." Second, I'm not hopping mad. I calmly stated my position in my previous replies. Meanwhile several folx on your side of the discussion added f-bombs and clearly anger-driven missives of a decidedly illogical nature. I don't know Tubetec or his friend and I'm guessing no one else on this thread (except for Tubetec) does, either. Therefore I can't agree that he's a jerk.

...but it's the left who are narcissist, intolerant, and over-sensitive in this situation. :rolleyes:
Yes. And vindictive. I left that out earlier. My bad.
Very good point. I also remember a thread in this very forum titled "Happy Pride Month" getting locked because people found it offensive. Free speech has to go both ways. In your example I would also prefer a witty retort over flaming people on social media. But my guess would be that the person saying that line would end up with a black eye and a lot of folks here would consider that justice served.
It wasn't locked because it was offensive. It was locked because it was getting out of control from both sides.
It wasn't locked because it was offensive. It was locked because it was getting out of control from both sides.
Well, people on the right dismissed the original post as obvious trolling. On the other hand, some of our US friends here find nothing to it to open threads about their particular holidays and traditions and shouting it out to everyone (which I personally find rather amusing than offending). We all live in bubbles and would certainly do better if we were to try to look beyond it and try to make it our routine to view things from a different perspective. If we can't do that, there is little hope for humanity.
Well, people on the right dismissed the original post as obvious trolling. On the other hand, some of our US friends here find nothing to it to open threads about their particular holidays and traditions and shouting it out to everyone (which I personally find rather amusing than offending). We all live in bubbles and would certainly do better if we were to try to look beyond it and try to make it our routine to view things from a different perspective. If we can't do that, there is little hope for humanity.
The difference is that the holidays of our US friends wont get you ostracized if you do not agree with them, Thanksgiving Day doesn't carry an agenda behind it that has severe repercussions on the life of many.
Its a devicive topic ,
I did not table this discussion to drive division
Very good point. I also remember a thread in this very forum titled "Happy Pride Month" getting locked because people found it offensive. Free speech has to go both ways. In your example I would also prefer a witty retort over flaming people on social media. But my guess would be that the person saying that line would end up with a black eye and a lot of folks here would consider that justice served.
So you're you're saying that people would be fine with the two women beating the **** out of that guy. Not sure i agree but i definitely wouldn't stop them either. Seems like that guy got off light in that case
So you're you're saying that people would be fine with the two women beating the **** out of that guy. Not sure i agree but i definitely wouldn't stop them either. Seems like that guy got off light in that case
No, I'm saying many people would be more than fine with the guy suggesting "you would be better off with a dick in your mouth" getting a black eye. What I was suggesting is that there is a double standard.
I didn't start the pride month thread to troll and I'll never do that here, waste of time, fish in a barrel, etc. But if you come in here and do queerphobia I'm going to push back, on this one and future threads, which there will undoubtedly be more of if the mods continue to selectively enforce the forum rules
I didn't start the pride month thread to troll and I'll never do that here, waste of time, fish in a barrel, etc. But if you come in here and do queerphobia I'm going to push back, on this one and future threads, which there will undoubtedly be more of if the mods continue to selectively enforce the forum rules
feel free to report posts that break the rules...

This thread is not a very comfortable topic.

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