Falling foul of the woke brigade

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No, I'm saying many people would be more than fine with the guy suggesting "you would be better off with a dick in your mouth" getting a black eye. What I was suggesting is that there is a double standard.
"Physical violence is ok when my sexuality is insulted by a gay person, but not when i insult the sexuality of a gay person" i agree, double standard
So let's see... a guy harrasses two patrons by telling them 'you girls would be better off finding husbands for yourselves'. The venue, and several others, decide not give this person any more gigs based on this behavior. Some right-wingers here are hopping mad on behalf of harrasser, about whom they know nothing except that he was a jerk.
...but it's the left who are narcissist, intolerant, and over-sensitive in this situation. :rolleyes:

We do not know how this event really took place, but based on Tubetec's account this is not a harassment. You can call it making a remark, passing a comment and so on, but definitely not harassment.

However, you could certainly call the guy a jerk and I think it is exactly what he has been.
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I didn't see any crying or any homophobia. He made a statement, likely in jest. The Neo Left has killed humor. Congratulations. Your skin is thin as exemplified by your arguments and assumptions which are completely out of proportion to the actual event.
I agree. The response was out of all proportion to the "offence". That is the way the cancel culture works. I am not in anyway condoning what was said, just that the response was excessive.


Well we tried to get the situation sorted last night with management ,but to no avail , it was the last gig my friends will be playing in that venue for the forseable future ,
its a pity .
Did anyone try apologizing to the people who he insulted?

And maybe you could share the posts where the women described their side of the story? All we have to go on right now is your second hand account. I'll bet seeing them would clear up quite a lot, seems like a lot of people here could use the context

You probably won't be doing that i bet

Why would anybody apologise on his behalf?

If I was there, why would I have to apologise?

This is insane.
Are people here completely incapable of correctly identifying who is talking to who at any given moment? Do you all do this in your day to day lives, just going up to different people and assuming they're talking about you

(Here, i am talking directly to sahib, the person i quoted, as well as carrying over from my previous comment above it where i had also responded to someone who thought i was talking to them when i was not, hope this litte explainer helps, i can do this going forward if you need me to)
Looks to me like no one apologized to the people and instead tried to worm their way out of the situation, is that correct?
I see a pretty clear way out of this whole thing. The person should apologize to the people he made the remark to. Or is that too elevated a concept to wrap your heads around
There are like 10 people here who want a safe space for their grievance-based politics and i have no problem denying them that
The few that haven't taken a look in here and decided to leave, that is
Are people here completely incapable of correctly identifying who is talking to who at any given moment?
No, but I think it's obvious some people here are incapable of telling the difference between a rude comment and blatant disrespect ("you girls would be better off finding husbands for yourselves" vs "you would be better off with a dick in your mouth")

(Here, i am talking directly to Dreams, who seems to be an over-reacting primadonna. hope this litte explainer helps)
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This is an audio forum and you people are embarrassing all the normal people here
It's a DIY audio forum. As far as most of society is concerned our hobby isn't "normal." And, as for my perspective, you have no business pretending people here who don't agree with you about this incident are somehow not normal.

As for the rest of the whining about responses...it is a forum discussion, not one-on-one. Just because you replied to one poster's comment does not mean only that person can respond to you. Have you ever been in an actual group discussion which followed such rules? Get a grip and drop the drama if you want people to listen to your opinion.

And, no, I don't want a "safe space." It's the left-leaners who want to prevent political discussion here or abolish The Brewery entirely. I'm for free speech, including things that might offend someone on occasion.
First off the gigs were due to end anyway , but the option was there for the future
second it wasnt the musician who made the comment , but another buddy of ours ,
third I will not be tying this discussion into any mainstream social media ,
all your looking for is a platform to sling your **** from Dreams

Equating what was said with wanting to shove your dick in someones mouth , that takes the biscuit , a soggy one.
Both sides of this discussion get fed a daily dose of polarizing half-fictions about how gross and horrid the other side is. Using it as an excuse to talk past each other is the reason for the escalating brainwash; it proves to both ingroup and outgroup that they have valid intuitions about their opponents.

Now I have become Oz, the destroyer of commons.
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