KMV254c: Gefell MV691 to KM54c modification.

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Here are the mouser carts:

Why go with those "factory special order" resistors? They're expensive too; Mouser stock the TE Connectivity RGP0207 series - well under a buck a piece, and the size of a normal 1/4W resistor. And those end-of-life 22u & 470u electrolytics too...

But what do i know? I'll openly and proudly admit I'm a cheapskate... 😁 But also practical...
Hey friends!

So sorry for my absence. I’ve been going through a rough patch with housing and work. Hopefully will be settling somewhere soon… all my workshop is strewn across storage units and different places so it’s been hard to get my $h!t together.

I appreciate the check in and apologize for the long delay. This will definitely happen at some point but base survival matters have been taking the forefront.

I miss my little electronics lab and will be returning as soon as I can.

Cheers and blessings all you audio nerds
Hey, nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear you're having a time of things lately. I'm just coming out of a similar situation after being sickened and displaced by toxic mold. It has taken a year to get back on my feet and I empathize with you going through it.

Anyway, I hope things come together for you quickly. It will be a huge relief when they do.

Best wishes and we look forward to your return.

Hey friends, I've been able to give myself a bit of time to work on projects. Very excited about this.

So, I recently acquired a vintage UM70 capsule. This is the m7 capsule that has pattern selection. I took it apart to repair the pattern selecting ring. It was really loose an didn't locate very well. Fixed the threaded inserts with a bit of e6000 glue. Now it is much less play in the pattern selection ring. When it was apart i was able to see that the omni position connects the rear diaphragm to the front diaphragm inside the assembly while disconnecting it from the ring conductor. As expected, cardioid disconnects rear from front. Figure 8 connects the rear diaphragm to the ring conductor. so for figure 8 pattern I have to make sure this rail is polarized to 120v, the backplate is 60v and the front diaphragm is 0v. And i have to get the signal from the rear diaphragm to the grid through a dc blocking cap.

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I am hoping to utilize it with this design. Been wrapping my head around this. I have the backplate wired to 60v and the front diaphragm at 0v feeding the grid. I thought to add a 470pf cap between the ring terminal which feeds back capsule in figure 8 position... Feed 120v to that point. Thats what I did at first but it was buzzing when I plugged in to test. Didn't think of high z resistors... I am a bit rusty.

So here is the schematic I modified to account for high z resistors. I just studied one of oliver's m49 schematics to see what he did for rear polarization resistors. I added C5/6 and R10/11 to the circuit. I have not built this into the mic quite yet. Thought i'd post about it first.

To be honest, I am not sure why he used two high value resistors but i imagine there is a reason. I am guessing the cap is to reduce any noise on the rail.

Would just a single high value resistor on the way to rear polarization point suffice?

Thanks for the advice friends. CHEERS!

RE: KMV PCB Project. Once new year comes around I am hoping to have a lot of time in my new little studio to get this project back on track for y'all. Thanks for the patience and support and sorry for the long pause. Stay tuned.


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I see you’re right on that one. I relocated the plate resistor to make it more tidy. Didn’t reconnect properly…

Yes. There should be a split like you noted. But more importantly that part of the circuit is not really being modified. The part in question is what to put in between the B+ input and the rear diaphragm ring terminal. I will be bodging them into a built mic. There is a chance I’ll make these revisions to the next pcb too. For those who want pattern possiblility.
Did some verification on the next upgrade. I took apart the um70 again to check if the figure 8 pattern switch in the head basket would be disconnecting the ring and the rear diaphragm. To my delight it did disconnect the two parts. This means I can simply use dc blocking cap between the diaphragms and everything else happens inside the headbasket.

Gave the above schematic a go this afternoon.


Fired it up and it worked fine in omni and Cardioid... as expected. However the figure 8 was still off and noisy.
Looked back at the m49c schematic and realized I had transposed some junctions. Glad to learn more about that today... Its all a learning experience. So now, below... behold the working schematic and the high z work. I grounded the capacitor on one of the mechanical mounting lugs on the circuit board. I drew B+ from the top of the 100k resistor. Worked out great...Much cleaner and it sounds great in all patterns.




Now to mod the other one :)
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Great progress in the last few days! The penultimate revision of the PSU has been burned in and tested fully. Its working well... I added a soft start to the heater voltage circuit. This was a must for my plan to add ac701 into some of my mics... but its good as it will ensure long tube life for all the mics it will power. I bodged it onto the penultimate revision to verify functionality. I had to dial in some of the ADJ line resistors for the regulator to get the proper range. Changed fixed resistor to 100R from 965R and trim from 1k to 500R, this gave me a range of 3.8v - 6.5v.


I also made a soft start daughter board to retrofit existing older revs of the psu... Just cut one trace and solder in the bodge wires.


After long tests with my m49 mic build (6s6bv tube) I am confident in the stability of the heater line with this new scheme. Before the soft start was added the heater would go from 0v to full stable operating voltage in a few minutes or so. Now with the soft start it takes about 5 minutes to get to 80% of operating voltage and then another 10-20 minutes to get to full voltage. This addition was the only change on the board since the last revision.

Here is the updated PCB for the new rev:


I also made final (hopefully) revision to the KMV254 boards. This revision primarily addressed ease and clarity of adding rear diaphragm polarization to the design. Added a ground point for the half floating capacitor, added a B+ tap point for the Half floating 150m resistor and also added the silk designators for the fully floating parts.



Did a stereo guitar test recording with the two KMV w/um70 heads in figure 8 for a blumlein stereo image that was mixed with the m49 mono. Blended to taste... yum

closeup of blumlein - 1.jpeg

This recording is the mic arrangement in the above photo with the 15th fret about 10 inches from the mics. Zero processing post recording.
All of the new boards have been ordered and will be here at some point around new years. Come Janurary 2024 any of you who were interested in a set of these boards, they will be available. :) Ill try to read back and send PMs to those who were interested but hit me up anyway if you want some. I already have plenty of boards that do not have the soft start and about 10 coming in this new order that have the soft start.


Hurray for progress, Hurray for making music!
No. Hmm I could look into adding that too. Can it be bad if the b+ ramps faster then the heater? Now I vaguely remember reading something about that on the forums at some point... but i cant find the resource now. Anyone have info about that? If B+ starts normally but soft start is on heater? Thanks
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Hey friends, the PCBs for the kmv254 and the psu are ready for anyone who wants to get some! They have been tested and are ready to make some wonderful recordings out in the world. :) @elhorst has been helping out with testing the build as the first non-sparklebear builder of the kmv254.

I know some of you had showed interest in these builds in the past so please reach out if you would like to get a set of the pcbs. If there is enough interest I can put together a little build guide thread. I already have some photos with the build guide in mind so it wouldnt be too tough to put that together.

Feel free to message me for more details. :)
Thank all of you who have decided to try this project out for yourselves. It means a lot for me to be able to give back to this community from which i've learned so much and have grown so much joy.

I've just went through the mouser carts today and replaced all backordered components so y'all don't have to.

KMV Mic (x1):

I had to swap out the LM317 regulator in the HV section for one that was in stock. The one I prefer is this one ( ) but will be back ordered until the end of april. I prefer this one as it has plastic insulation over what would be the big plated conductor with the hole. This part of the regulator in this circuit will have very high voltage on it so do be careful when you're poking around in there. It is functionally identical but just package is slightly different. Once it is back in stock I will modify the cart.

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If you have planned to build two mics please order the KMV mic kit x2 (or however many you've purchased.) as that cart is just for a single mic.

RE: Cathode Bias Resistor scheme on KMV. I have added 1k for those who want to use a fixed resistor with a trim pot. 1.8k and 2.2k for those who want to use only a fixed resistor. And if you only want to use the trim pot just leave out the fixed resistor position and set the jumper accordingly. I prefer using the 1k + trimmer so the bias point never is shorted to ground. ( Some people do a fixed resistor with parallel trim but for whatever reason I did series with a jumper scheme. 🤷 ) Don't be alarmed if you have spare resistors when you finish building your mic board.

If you are not planning to use UM70 or multi patterns you can remove two of the three more costly 150M resistors as well as the C6 capacitor. If you have an mv691, the top threaded part the capsule fits on does not have three conductors, the ring is missing so in this case you can omit those parts too.

The NFB jumper is already bridged on the copper layer so if you are using the NFB network you don't have to touch the jumper. This jumper will need to be cut with a blade you want to remove the network from the circuit. To return it just bridge pads with solder. Its nice so you can do a/b easily (not as easy as a switch though). You could even try 220p or 80p if you want to goof around with the feedback cap. I just stuck with the original value.

You will see little notes on the silk that will help you remember the jumper configurations with out having to dig into the schematic.

You can use the transformer that comes with the alctron supplies which iirc are like 175v and 10v secondaries. The chinese transformers, while seem to perform ok electrically do seem to be prone to mechanical resonance hum. Because of this I've been using Edcor's dual primary with secondaries of 200V@10mA & 12V@1A. (

The footprint of the PCB is designed to be a drop in for the chinese generic psu that chunger used to carry. For the North American folks, I think mic parts stocks the PSU (overpriced imo) but this one will have the cheap fuse holder that you can transfer from the stock pcb to the UVMPSU. My favorite one to use is from Dennis at AMI tabfunkenwerk. I prefer the AMI one as its a heaver duty steel as well as having an integrated fuse holder in the IEC. Either of these will give you the chassis, the transformer and fuse holder. But you obviously can put this in any chassis.

I've attached an updated iBOM guide for component placement. I didn't dial in all the mouser part numbers with the project so just go off of value and designator. Still learning the administrative and project manager aspects of Kicad. But this will do the job done for those who need a bit more clear guidance.

Eventually, I think ill make a dedicated build guide thread for questions and to have all the updated project materials in one spot with out having to dig through pages of a thread. But for now this is fine.

Thanks again friends. :)


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Just built a new set with 5840 tubes. This is a stereo left right with a very small angle. The guitar is a 1963 Martin oo18. I might like this tube better for this use. Capsules are m94. Made a little improv recording.

Just a touch of Sunset chamber from seventh heaven. Preamps were the VP 28 from CAPI. Slightly kissed by xpressor.
Thanks for Your hard work!
I would like to buy 4 PCBs for the Mic Body and 2 PCBs for the Power Supply!
I have 3 691 amd one 750 which i like to convert!

Very nice project!

Bye Friedemann