History..... rhymes?

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Those who commit violence should be locked up, whatever side they are on.
So you must be in favor of the Jan 6 rioters getting arrested as well?
jan 6 looks tame compared to the last several years of street riots. Of course any and all actual law breaking needs to be punished (with sensible DAs and real punishment for crimes)
Do you favor equal application of the law?
I'm in LA, so the local news coverage of UCLA has been live and extensive. There is universal agreement that peaceful protestors were attacked the other night and the police did nothing. Now the police have rolled in full force arresting the protesters,, with many of them asking "where were you the other night?". They have a point.
I have already shared the criticism of UCLA administration, LAPD, Mayor and Gov. Even Gov Newson has chimed in (well after the fact). Those in charge responded with too little, way too late.

There would be no counter protests if the school administration shut it down the encampments in a timely manner.
www said:
The question looming over the campus now is the fate of the camp. On Tuesday evening, UCLA had declared the camp “unlawful” and in violation of university policy.
Maybe they could have taken it down sooner without waiting for violence to break out.
That doesn't mean no violence has been committed across the country. But often these are outside forces causing trouble, or even the opposite side in an attempt to discredit a movement. Either way you don't take away the rights of the many because of the actions of a few.
Indeed. What about the rights being denied Jewish students? Hard to believe that this is happening in 2024 America.
Maybe watch something other than Fox news and you will get a more realistic perspective of world events.
I get a small dose of mainstream news (ABC) nightly from my local TV station, their bias is palpable (while I am probably right of center).
My suspicion is that Gaza and Israel are just a convenient excuse to create chaos with, here and now. These "students" (cough) probably couldn't find Gaza on a map of Gaza. 🤔

If they want to free Palestine, protest against Hamas. That is who is using innocent Palestinians as human shields, then blaming the IDF for the deaths that they precipitated.

The Media Masters have tried very hard to erase this from the nets. It's the view on the Middle East from a former US marine.

And this guy was there. Everywhere.
Do you favor equal application of the law?

Of course, as does any rational person.

I get a small dose of mainstream news (ABC) nightly from my local TV station, their bias is palpable (while I am probably right of center).

You watch Fox news and find ABC extremely biased? Cmon it's not like it's msnbc. ABC is more like Fox business, there might be some slant, but mostly just report what's going on.
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Of course, as does any rational person.
glad we determined that, it seems like laws are not being enforced consistently
There are reports of people physically blocking students from going to certain places on campus. That of course shouldn't be tolerated and those responsible punished.
You watch Fox news and find ABC extremely biased? Really? Cmon it's not like it's msnbc. ABC is like Fox business, there might be some slant, but mostly just report what's going on.
I do not watch fox for general news but watch some fox business news shows, and fox opinion/comedy shows (like the Five and Greg Gutfeld). I read the WSJ newspaper for hard news. I watch my local TV station news for the above average local weather reports, i usually FF through the network news clips.
Speaking of MSNBC did you see Katy Tur on Monday push back against Nancy Pelosi's partisan slanted job gains/losses screed. The Democratic spin is that exPresident Trump's administration caused massive employment losses, and President Biden gained those jobs back and more. Tur pointed out the obvious, that there was a global pandemic that complicates the literal interpretation of the data. 🤔 Nancy Pelosi did not appreciate the friendly fire coming from her own side. Nancy accused Katy Tur of being an apologist for Trump? It appears that Tur was just trying to be honest. I wonder if that is a new trend, or she just made a mistake. :rolleyes:


Maybe she is trying to get hired by Fox?

Speaking of MSNBC did you see Katy Tur on Monday push back against Nancy Pelosi's partisan slanted job gains/losses screed. The Democratic spin is that exPresident Trump's administration caused massive employment losses, and President Biden gained those jobs back and more. Tur pointed out the obvious, that there was a global pandemic that complicates the literal interpretation of the data. 🤔

I didn't as I actively try to avoid cable news propaganda. But kudos to her for the push back. Nancy Buffet Pelosi could use a dose of reality. Giving Biden credit for pandemic related job creation is just as silly as blaming him for pandemic related inflation.
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There are quite a few Jewish "pro-Palastinian" protesters in the Columbia camp. Trying to divide the protests strictly by ethnicity misses quite a bit although it makes for a neat and clean, but wrong impression.
Fox News? What rubbish! I have not had feevee or freevee for over a decade.
If ya wanna talk Jan 6, those folks have been held WITHOUT BAIL PENDING TRIAL.
Is that going on with any hajis or marxist agitators? Are they being hunted by our Top Cops years later?
Fox News!!
And you actually agree with me but have to drop Faux News as well because you can’t just. . . agree with me.
Thank you! We’re truly getting somewhere. I’d totally be buyin’ off the bar (sugar minott) if this were physical.
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glad we determined that, it seems like laws are not being enforced consistently

If you're a simpleton, that seems quite rational. In reality, it's not. In most cases, there are aggravating or diminishing circumstances. The clearest example is self defense in cases of violence.

It's a typical puritan mistake. Reality isn't binary.

We've had a case recently, where a catholic deacon was sentenced to 27 years in prison for five murders. Nothing special, if you don't take into account these were mercy killings. Three of the five were loved ones, old and suffering from incurable disease causing endless pain. That pain had been present for years and morphine no longer could suppress it. How long is the caretaker supposed to watch their loved ones suffer?

Another one was one of his palliative patients, who had been in terrible pain for years and was at the end of pain-relief treatment.

These murders occurred before there was legislation allowing MDs to terminate life in case of extreme suffering. Today, these patients could have asked for an end to their suffering.

Of course, puritans also deny patients the right to end their own life because of religious dogma's. "God gives life and he's the only one that can take it away", is often heard. I've seen a few of these puritan's change their opinion once it was their spouse, child, or parent who was suffering. Besides, if god gives life, why does he also hand out massive suffering, usually to those who don't deserve it?

And then we end up with the beginning of any case: arrest by police. I have a feeling being a police person in the USA isn't paid enough. It's very dangerous, thanks to the omnipresence of guns and the willingness of most to use them. It's also ridiculously easy to frame anyone due to unjust legislation that sometimes differs a lot between states. And it's seldom justice in the eyes of the press and casual observers. Add a defective education system, and only the rich can find justice. There are literally thousands of examples of people who spent time in jail while being completely innocent. And it is clear that being black doesn't take you any closer to justice...

Justice isn't simple. And the way it is reported by the media doesn't help to make it any clearer.
If you're a simpleton, that seems quite rational.
who me? Look like you are coming up with new pejoratives. I'll pass.

In reality, it's not. In most cases, there are aggravating or diminishing circumstances. The clearest example is self defense in cases of violence.

It's a typical puritan mistake. Reality isn't binary.

We've had a case recently, where a catholic deacon was sentenced to 27 years in prison for five murders. Nothing special, if you don't take into account these were mercy killings. Three of the five were loved ones, old and suffering from incurable disease causing endless pain. That pain had been present for years and morphine no longer could suppress it. How long is the caretaker supposed to watch their loved ones suffer?

Another one was one of his palliative patients, who had been in terrible pain for years and was at the end of pain-relief treatment.

These murders occurred before there was legislation allowing MDs to terminate life in case of extreme suffering. Today, these patients could have asked for an end to their suffering.

Of course, puritans also deny patients the right to end their own life because of religious dogma's. "God gives life and he's the only one that can take it away", is often heard. I've seen a few of these puritan's change their opinion once it was their spouse, child, or parent who was suffering. Besides, if god gives life, why does he also hand out massive suffering, usually to those who don't deserve it?

And then we end up with the beginning of any case: arrest by police. I have a feeling being a police person in the USA isn't paid enough. It's very dangerous, thanks to the omnipresence of guns and the willingness of most to use them. It's also ridiculously easy to frame anyone due to unjust legislation that sometimes differs a lot between states. And it's seldom justice in the eyes of the press and casual observers. Add a defective education system, and only the rich can find justice. There are literally thousands of examples of people who spent time in jail while being completely innocent. And it is clear that being black doesn't take you any closer to justice...

Justice isn't simple. And the way it is reported by the media doesn't help to make it any clearer.
I have a feeling being a police person in the USA isn't paid enough. It's very dangerous, thanks to the omnipresence of guns and the willingness of most to use them.
Depends on what you mean by "very". It's not even in the top 20 most dangerous jobs. There is danger, of course, but despite the rhetoric it's less hazardous than pizza delivery, and pays a lot more.
Meanwhile, even in the liberal hellscape of Chicago (which still exists despite some assuring us it burned completely to the ground during the so-called riots of tge last few years), joining an extremist group is not grounds for dismissal.
Depends on what you mean by "very". It's not even in the top 20 most dangerous jobs. There is danger, of course, but despite the rhetoric it's less hazardous than pizza delivery, and pays a lot more.

Really? That's news to me.

Meanwhile, even in the liberal hellscape of Chicago (which still exists despite some assuring us it burned completely to the ground during the so-called riots of tge last few years), joining an extremist group is not grounds for dismissal.

Of course it is not. Personal freedom in one's private life is real, I suppose?

Now I don't know how the oathkeepers are being labelled. Terrorists? At least they're no commies. :cool:
History rhymes ?
thats rose tinted glasses ,
History repeats the same mistakes over and over ,
Just as Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews , and so now the Jews have passed the parcel of genocidal hate down the line onto the Palestinians ,
You only have to look at the coverage of the middle eastern situation from a few different perspectives to see clearly the bias .
But many Americans are so cock sure its the its the leader of the free world its hardly worth wasting breath trying to change the brainwashed's point of view anymore .
Yes Mike I typed it ,
The darkest episodes in mankinds misdeads go round like a broken record ,
800 years of tyranical rule under the crown of England ,thats why the IRA exist ,
the Zionist state of Israel caused the need for Hamas to arise ,
just the same as the so called war on terror feathers the nest of Isis .
History rhymes ?
thats rose tinted glasses ,
History repeats the same mistakes over and over ,
Just as Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews , and so now the Jews have passed the parcel of genocidal hate down the line onto the Palestinians ,
You only have to look at the coverage of the middle eastern situation from a few different perspectives to see clearly the bias .

True. The only genocide ever that was successful in erasing an entire people from the map, has produced Romania. No way to pass on anything. All others have had retaliation one or two generations later. That way, the problem never ends, much to the liking of the military industry.

But many Americans are so cock sure its the its the leader of the free world its hardly worth wasting breath trying to change the brainwashed's point of view anymore .

You shouldn't blame Americans. Their incoming data stream is so heavily filtered, it's worse than the CCPs Great FireWall. Even much worse.

Sometimes, it's great to be small nation. Nobody takes notice. Our press isn't great, but it's largely free of [external] filtering and manipulation. And efforts to introduce propaganda channels haven't been successful. Even when high in Google news, nobody seems to read/view them.

BTW, Google finally had to admit they manipulate search results. For a buck, never anything else. Yeah, right. Has everyone forgotten Google was partially bankrolled by the CIA? That news didn't appear in any US media yet. Of course, you can TRY googling it :cool:
Show me anything close to pits where people have been shot like dogs, layered with piney boughs, from “The Cedars of Lebanon” perhaps, burnt, and buried.
You write your words, and by doing so exhibit not even a minimum of understanding of which you write.
Perhaps you have never visited a camp or a pit in Germany or Poland, or the Holy Land?
Might want to settle in, you've got a long wait ahead of you...

Seems you are correct. Turns out the "girl beaten unconscious" story wasn't actually true and has been debunked. Furthermore the narrative of Jewish students being denied access to class wasn't actually true either. The reality as reported by many students was the protests were at most a mild inconvenience, both to Jewish and non-Jewish students, simply walk an extra minute to go where you need to.

So you have orchestrated ragebait that many fell for, that incited actual violence.... against the protesters. Now that there is violence, protests can be deemed unsafe and disbanded. A classic technique to discredit and silence opposition voices.
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