Help with API 312 PCB build

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May 28, 2024
united states
Hi! If anyone here has more experience in designing pcb boards, I could use a little help!

I'm trying to adapt the API 312 schematic on KiCad, but it's only my second pcb design, and by far the most complicated for me. I want it to fit in my 500 series rack, so I found the footprint for that on a Github page. I designed all the transformers/opamp footprints myself.

I wanted to make it as easy as possible for my first build, so I gave up on the 48v, phase flipping stuff, etc... I only put an impedance switch before the input transformer because it was easy enough (and very useful).

The gain pot won't be a resistor ladder. To simplify and cut the cost, I'll put a 1k Lin.

I didn't take much time thinking about dimensions (to make the potentiometer fit nicely in the rack). I'll simply wire it "by hand" if it doesn't fit. I'll also wire the switch like that.

Here are the original schematic and my work :

Any help is really appreciated, thanks !


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Hi! If anyone here has more experience in designing pcb boards, I could use a little help!

I'm trying to adapt the API 312 schematic on KiCad, but it's only my second pcb design, and by far the most complicated for me. I want it to fit in my 500 series rack, so I found the footprint for that on a Github page. I designed all the transformers/opamp footprints myself.

I wanted to make it as easy as possible for my first build, so I gave up on the 48v, phase flipping stuff, etc... I only put an impedance switch before the input transformer because it was easy enough (and very useful).

The gain pot won't be a resistor ladder. To simplify and cut the cost, I'll put a 1k Lin.

I didn't take much time thinking about dimensions (to make the potentiometer fit nicely in the rack). I'll simply wire it "by hand" if it doesn't fit. I'll also wire the switch like that.

Here are the original schematic and my work :

Any help is really appreciated, thanks !
1) Fatten up all of your tracks!!! You've got plenty of room there on this PCB and your circuit performance will "THANK YOU!!" for the fat tracks!!!

2) R3 and C4 are in parallel with one, rotate C4 180-degrees and place it underneath R3. Doing so will eliminate that long loopy track going through the transformer pins.

3) Rotate R4 90-degrees counter-clockwise and kinda center it on TR2 Pins 6 & 7. Then, also rotate C5 90-degrees counter-clockwise and center it on R4. This will also eliminate all sorts of unneeded and unwanted long tracks.

4) C7 is basically "hung out to dry" on an unnecessarily long "stub-route" and therefore, it becomes almost useless. Try placing it closer to your switch, which is where the "click noise" will be generated.

5) Take your "Copper Pours" and back them away from the board-edge by at least 50-mils. Your PCB-fabricator will "THANK YOU!!" for doing that!!! In addition, your audio equipment will also "THANK YOU!!" for doing that because of the possibility of creating a "Ground Loop" should the "GND" of the PCB come in contact with the "GND" of anything else that might be nearby.

6) Speaking of "mils".....go into your KiCAD PCB system configuration setup and set your "Units" to "Mils" instead of "Millimeters". Again.....your PCB-fabricator will immensely "THANK YOU!!" for making their life so much easier!!! Especially, here in the States!!!

7) Move the "TR2" silkscreen -- OUT -- from inside the component outline. Once you insert the transformer on the PCB, you won't be able to see it. The silkscreens for C3 and R3 create an interference with the "2520" component outline silkscreen and that's a "NO!!! - NO!!!". Clean that up.

8) I believe you need to have posted a minimum of 10-messages on this forum before you are able to send another member a PM (Private Message). Whenever you manage to reach that milestone, send me -- ALL -- of your KiCAD files and I can assist you better privately. Sound like a plan???

My goal is to learn Kicad and pcb design. I already ordered them and they arrived this morning :)
[My goal is to learn Kicad and pcb design] -- Go to my personal link shown below and download all of the material that is there and that will get you started. There is even a large KiCAD file in there to learn from:

Here's the KiCAD link by itself:

8) I believe you need to have posted a minimum of 10-messages on this forum before you are able to send another member a PM (Private Message). Whenever you manage to reach that milestone, send me -- ALL -- of your KiCAD files and I can assist you better privately. Sound like a plan???
Yes! Thanks a lot for these tips. The PCB was already ordered when I first saw your message. It is a really bad design (on top of what you said, most of the components are on the wrong side of the PCB because I got confused when making those footprints, and there is nowhere to mount the output transformer), but it surprisingly worked! I'll do another iteration someday and post it here (or on another thread?).
Yes! Thanks a lot for these tips. The PCB was already ordered when I first saw your message. It is a really bad design (on top of what you said, most of the components are on the wrong side of the PCB because I got confused when making those footprints, and there is nowhere to mount the output transformer), but it surprisingly worked! I'll do another iteration someday and post it here (or on another thread?).
You are welcomed to send me your KiCAD schematic and PCB-design files -- FIRST!!! -- for a review >> BEFORE << you spend the money on more PCBs!!! Your call.....

Tapping back into this thread with a question of my own (to avoid creating a whole new 312 thread).

Also working on a 312 build at the moment. I'm referencing the same schematic at the top of this thread as well as CAPI's 312 schematic. My question is about the polarity switch on the CAPI build.

I'm not really fully understanding how the switch alone flips the polarity just before the output transformer. The mute makes sense as with the switch engaged it looks like no signal makes it to the output tx. But as far as that same footprint of switch flipping the polarity? How does that work?

p.s I'm likely going to skip over the mute switch included in the capi build and instead insert an rc filter circuit before the opamp for a lowcut instead.
Normally the output via C10 is fed to the Violet wire, and the Grey wire goes to Audio Commonn.
When the switch is engaged, it routes the signal from C10 to the Grey wire, and the Violet is connected to Audio Common instead, thus changing the Polarity.
Oh yeah no I'm referencing the normal 312, I dont want to or need to deal with all the extra work of adding the DI input!

Is the logic the same for the normal 312 tho? When the switch is engaged it swaps the input into the transformer?

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