This weeks DIY (am I really that mad?) is a 'slightly' modified GSSL.
It has the stereo side chain mode AKA Turbo board (thanks again to Keith, but it also has a mono side chain mode with the SuperSideChainBoard including the TH***T function and the Crush'n'Blend board conceived/produced by Lukas.
It's custom painted in a kind of battle ship grey/blue. Frontpanel is done by FPD/Schaeffer, the meter is a Sifam 14 PPM.
The side chain mode switching is done via two relays. In the mono mode, the two "right side 47k" points go ( without the resistors) to the SSC board. Switched, the one "right point 47k" goes to the turbo board, the other goes to the boards own SC, this time surely with 47k.
The other relay just lifts off two turbo board connections in the mono mode.
Maybe I will learn to make a more professional looking wiring one day.
All in all a wonderful, versatile compressor. Maybe I will modify my other GSSLs sooner or later.
It has the stereo side chain mode AKA Turbo board (thanks again to Keith, but it also has a mono side chain mode with the SuperSideChainBoard including the TH***T function and the Crush'n'Blend board conceived/produced by Lukas.
It's custom painted in a kind of battle ship grey/blue. Frontpanel is done by FPD/Schaeffer, the meter is a Sifam 14 PPM.
The side chain mode switching is done via two relays. In the mono mode, the two "right side 47k" points go ( without the resistors) to the SSC board. Switched, the one "right point 47k" goes to the turbo board, the other goes to the boards own SC, this time surely with 47k.
The other relay just lifts off two turbo board connections in the mono mode.
Maybe I will learn to make a more professional looking wiring one day.
All in all a wonderful, versatile compressor. Maybe I will modify my other GSSLs sooner or later.