GssL 20th Anniversary edition

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I wanted to ask , would I need to use an extra pcb like expat's VU meter pcb in order to use a SIFAM R22 Vu meter? I got a vintage one that I've been dying to use for a project!
Errors in the BOM for "Release": It's not 2 x 1M2, just one. But two 2 x 750K instead of 1
Error in the BOM for "Ratio":4 x 3M9 not 6x. Also maybe 2 x 3M3 (which are not in BOM)
Error in the BOM for "Side Chain HPF": missing 2 x 1nf (but in orderlist from reichelt)

Unclear: Label ATT = 0,0R ? If yes, only 1 x 0,0R in Sidechain

Error in Reichelt Part Order:
2x1M4 in Ratio missing

I caught your first edit and added the correction after, but if you keep editing this one post and adding to it, we cant be sure I can keep track, so better gather a few things and post.

Added 2 x 1nF in BOM for SC
Reichelt doesnt have 1M4 resistors, but I can see I doubled up on 750K to put in series instead in the cart.
Already see 2 x 0R in the sidechain BOM, but added 1 x 0R to the attack portion of BOM.

ATT is just jumpers going to the Attack. We do a hard bypass on this unit, but I marked this spot with the ATT resistor going to attack, because thats where we cut the signal in soft bypass on the original project, and some expressed a want to maybe do their build with both options.

@Gustav Excuse me if it's a silly question but do the 2 gain terminals connect together at a single pot ? You've mentioned that for the gain we need 1 x 10k lin ( not a stereo pot ? )

Screen Shot 2025-01-15 at 2.29.20 PM.png

Also , I've seen that in your prototype you've chained together the XLR grounds as I can see in the original build guide as well , I assume this is not necessary if I mount the XLR directly on the pcb?

Thank you!
Question in the "Color" Section:
i do see 2 x TRM , is that TERMination or TRIM ?
and the 22uf is that 22u/35V ?

And is that 10uf mks in SC_HPF ? or is that 10 uf bipolar ?
@Gustav Excuse me if it's a silly question but do the 2 gain terminals connect together at a single pot ? You've mentioned that for the gain we need 1 x 10k lin ( not a stereo pot ? )

View attachment 143451

Also , I've seen that in your prototype you've chained together the XLR grounds as I can see in the original build guide as well , I assume this is not necessary if I mount the XLR directly on the pcb?

Thank you!
These are simply mislabeled, because I copy pasted the part from the gain and forgot to rename.

If you look at the actual connections, these are alternatives to PCB mount XLR, so you wire via a connector.

Ill add it to the errata list.

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Error in Reichelt Order List:
1206 Input, 4 x 100R in BOM, in Order List only 2

Error in BOM - Blend
Its 16x10K in Total (also Order List wrong)
Side Chain: 2x10K missing in Bom+Orderlist

Error in BOM + Orderlist
Release has only 1 x 1M2 not 2
Ratio has 4 x 3M9 not 6 x 3M9

Error inn Orderlist somewhere, Not 2 x 2k2 just 1 x 1k1

Unsure of the wordings here, like "Not 2 x 2K2, just 1 x 1K1" Too many 2K2, 2 x 2K2 missing? And also unsure if you are adding things that were already corrected (4 x 3M9, not 6 x 3M9) adn "only 1x 1M2 not 2 (so we need 2, or there is 2 and we need only 1?)

- also, I think it would be more helpfull if you would gather up a bit of these, so you have at least a days interval, just to make sure some things dont get lost in the stream. It gets a little overflown if we use this format in a chatroom manner.

Ill ignore the last two posts, and you can gather up what you have in one in maybe a days time!?

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Unsure of the wordings here, like "Not 2 x 2K2, just 1 x 1K1" Too many 2K2, 2 x 2K2 missing? And also unsure if you are adding things that were already corrected (4 x 3M9, not 6 x 3M9) adn "only 1x 1M2 not 2 (so we need 2, or there is 2 and we need only 1?)

- also, I think it would be more helpfull if you would gather up a bit of these, so you have at least a days interval, just to make sure some things dont get lost in the stream. It gets a little overflown if we use this format in a chatroom manner.

Ill ignore the last two posts, and you can gather up what you have in one in maybe a days time!?

Okay, i clarified it here:

Section "1206 Input"
4 x 100R in BOM correct, but Only 2 pcs referenced in Order List (Warenkorb)
Section "BLEND"
Number of 10k is incorrect. Actually those are 16pcs. Error in BOM+Order List
Section "SIDE CHAIN"
2x10K not in BOM and not in Orderlist.
Section "RELEASE"
Only 1 x 1M2 not 2x1M2 ; Error in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Ratio"
Only 4 x 3M9 not 6 x 3M9 ; Error in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Side Chain Sum"
BOM states 1x2k2 ; in Orderlist it is 2x2,20K

Hope that clears up confusion
Okay, i clarified it here:

Section "1206 Input"
4 x 100R in BOM correct, but Only 2 pcs referenced in Order List (Warenkorb)

Corrected from 2 to 4 pcs 100R in Reichelt cart

Section "BLEND"
Number of 10k is incorrect. Actually those are 16pcs. Error in BOM+Order List

Corrected from 10 pcs to 16 pcs 10K in BOM
Corrected from 10 pcs to 16 pcs 10K in Reichelt Cart

Section "SIDE CHAIN"
2x10K not in BOM and not in Orderlist.

Corrected from 0 x 10K to 2 x 10K to BOM
Corrected from 0 x 10K to 2 x 10K to Reichelt Cart

Section "RELEASE"
Only 1 x 1M2 not 2x1M2 ; Error in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Ratio"
Only 4 x 3M9 not 6 x 3M9 ; Error in BOM & Orderlist

Are you sure these are not the ones I verified correcting earlier?

Or do you want me to change 4 x 3M9 to 6 pcs, and 1 x 1M2 to 2 pcs?

Section "Side Chain Sum"
BOM states 1x2k2 ; in Orderlist it is 2x2,20K

How many is correct?
Okay. for the

Section "RELEASE"
Only 1 x 1M2 used on PCB not 2x1M2 as errornous indicated in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Ratio"
Only 4 x 3M9 used on PCB not 6 x 3M9 as errornous inaidicated in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Side Chain Sum"
Only 1 x 2k2 are used, BOM is correct, only Orderlist is wrong with 2 x 2,20k
Section "RELEASE"
Only 1 x 1M2 used on PCB not 2x1M2 as errornous indicated in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Ratio"
Only 4 x 3M9 used on PCB not 6 x 3M9 as errornous inaidicated in BOM & Orderlist
Section "Side Chain Sum"

These are correct.

Only 1 x 2k2 are used, BOM is correct, only Orderlist is wrong with 2 x 2,20k

Changed 2 x 2K2 to 1 x 2K2 in side chain sum cart at Reichelt.
I had shipping issues with packages @JMan , @oldskool1 and @Script. Packages came back and i need to re-ship them and lower package height (damn DHL - those are original packages). So i need 3 x 22,49 EUR payments again. Sorry for that. It's DHLs fault.

To outline, package is 1cm to large (no kidding) on right side, so they returned it to me :-( I re-cut the box to size of left side to get more than 1cm. The packaging material is exactly 45x35x10 and correctly measured. Really a BIG bummer today.
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I'm certainly going in for one of these boards once all the errata is collected, fixed, etc. Really cool to see people already populating boards. I'm glad I screamed and yelled for this (new version GSSL) for a few months.....and someone listened! :) Great work.
@Gustav - regarding your Erratas for Board Rev.3:

Those are the "former" 10k which go to Pin2 of the LM833 (visualized below for those who didnt's find it.
Correct ?
left Blend Module: blend-l.png

right blend Module:
Second; Your change wth +12V to gain, you are referring to the connector "GAIN" in Side Chain Sum left of the Threshold ?
Old Wiring is Gain between -12V & +12V, new wiring is unconnect Pin 1 and using Pin 2+3 and Pin 1 is tied to ground on the Potentiometer (not the main board)

I am trying to help those who aren't as much experienced.
Second; Your change wth +12V to gain, you are referring to the connector "GAIN" in Side Chain Sum left of the Threshold ?
Old Wiring is Gain between -12V & +12V, new wiring is unconnect Pin 1 and using Pin 2+3 and Pin 1 is tied to ground on the Potentiometer (not the main board)

I am trying to help those who aren't as much experienced.
I'm still a bit confused about the errata if anyone can chime in . I don't understand which ones have been corrected on the final pcb and what's left to correct afterwards ( I'm receiving the pcb this week so I don't know )

If it's possible to get a list of the corrections that are needed to be made that would avoid a lot of confusion for noobies like me :D

Thank you ! :)