SSL 9K & 4K (E Series) 500 / 51X NEW BOARDS Mic Pre Thread 2011

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
Atlanta GA
Greetings folks,
Here is my offering of SSLTech's 9K Pre Amp in the 500 / 51X format with some extras.  The extras are the SSL style HPF, a THAT 1646 output stage, and a 3 dB per step meter.
You'll need a fine tipped soldering iron, and a fairly steady hand for this project.



Here is Gustav's beautiful board with the resistors and bypass caps installed.


The meter LED's need to be bent about 1/4" from their bodies.  I used a pair of pliers as a jig.





I used Teflon tubing on the switch indicator LED's


Here's what it looks like before they are bent over the switches, and inserted into the front panel.


I cut some pieces of Teflon tubing to act as spacers for the meter board.


and slid them over pieces of bus wire soldered to the 4 corner eyelets of the meter board.


Here's how the meter is mounted.


There is a little problem with the first run of boards in that there is an unwanted connection between the power eyelet and the top ground plane of the meter board.  You can see the extra silver that the "arrow" is pointing to.  Just take a blade, and carefully cut this extra copper away.  You can check your work with an Ohmmeter to the eyelet on the lower corner.  It should not be a short.


Here's the BOM with some Mouser part numbers 9K-42BOM.pdf

Here's the layout with the 100nF Bypass caps marked in yellow. 9K-42Layout.pdf

Here's the schematic. 9K-42Sch.pdf

Here's the wav file of a sweep from 1kHz down to 10Hz from our Audio Precision System One to use in the HPF knee alignment.  (Right click and "save as".)

Here's a Front Panel Express layout you can customize to your specs.

Here is the very nice front panel designed by ChrisPSound

Gustav has the boards in his White Market thread.
Audio Maintenance will have both of the needed pots.
Apex Jr. has the relays.

More photos to come, as well as the SSL 4K series transformer mic pre in this same configuration.



edit 3/17/2011 for Chris' front panel

3nity said:
Please can you show us what parts we leave out if no vu meter needed??

For no meter, leave out any part above 300 (R301, R401 etc.), IC4, and C7.
I hope to have setup instructions for the HPF trimmers real soon.
Hi Bruno,

Love the new version of the 9K, they are truly great preamps.  Might I suggest a more descriptive thread title "SSL 9K for 500 series / 51X - new boards out now" or something - I almost didn't click on this thread.

Best of luck with it, if I had the time I'd love to build a pair.


Greetings Ruairi,
Thanks for the suggestion!  Edit made.  More photos to come, as well as info on the 4K version.
3nity said:
you got a 4K preamp coming as well??

Yes Sir,
Same general front panel format.  Choice of several transformers, including Carnhill and Lundahl as well as the usual suspects.  Prototype photos by the end of the week, I hope!
bruno2000 said:
3nity said:
you got a 4K preamp coming as well??

Yes Sir,
Same general front panel format.  Choice of several transformers, including Carnhill and Lundahl as well as the usual suspects.  Prototype photos by the end of the week, I hope!

Love the next project! ;D
Hey there, im wondering if ye could help me.. Im building the other ssl9k (gustav PCB) and i just have a quick question about parts..

The SSM2142 i cant seem to find on mouser.. It comes up with this alternative:

Would this work or is there anywhere else to purchase this?

Also i noticed on the PCB a slot for C85 but there is nothing for this on the parts list, would anyone know what this is meant to be? Cant seem to find it on the schematics either which is the weird thing but its on the PCB.

Im also wondering about the TL052.. Do i only need 1 of these for each preamp? Im totally confused about this.. On the schematics it shows IC31a as being TL051 and U32b as TL052 but on the parts list it has TL052 for both of them.. However on the PCB there is only a slot for IC31? Do i only need to get the 1 TL052 per preamp? Would this be the right mouser part i need:

Also wondering about the dual gain pot.. Will the same one listed in the BOM for this project from Audio maintance workk for me?

Thanks a million for the help..

Here is a link to the schematic and parts list im using:

Whoops said:
Hi Bruno the SSL 4K will be the preamp from the E series or G series consoles?


The prototype boards that I have now are for the later E Series / G Series 2 IC (5534) pre amps (SSL-241).  I breadboarded both this one and the 1 IC version and liked this one better.  Several years ago I built up 12 channels of SSL Mic Pre / EQ's using this circuit and the SSL-242 EQ boards.  I used some old Richenbach Engineering input transformers, and liked them a lot.  With this layout, you'll have several options for transformers.  If there is enough interest, I could easily lay out a 1 IC version.
Cool stuff, can't wait for it.

Keith (aka SSLTech) wrote in another thread:

"The 'E' preamps used a pot with a push/pull switch to engage phantom, and a 20dB pad switch, below the red polarity button. they were available as transformer (Jensen JE-115K-E) on the 82E01 board, or with an LM394 matched-pair transformerless input on the later 82E149 version.

The 'G' preamps had switched gain, and no push/pull for phantom, so the pad switch was sacrificed, and the range of the preamp extended downwards. the board number was 82E249 if i recall correctly."

Is that preamp based on any of this ?


bruno2000 said:
Whoops said:
Hi Bruno the SSL 4K will be the preamp from the E series or G series consoles?


The prototype boards that I have now are for the later E Series / G Series 2 IC (5534) pre amps (SSL-241).  I breadboarded both this one and the 1 IC version and liked this one better.  Several years ago I built up 12 channels of SSL Mic Pre / EQ's using this circuit and the SSL-242 EQ boards.  I used some old Richenbach Engineering input transformers, and liked them a lot.  With this layout, you'll have several options for transformers.  If there is enough interest, I could easily lay out a 1 IC version.
Whoops said:
Cool stuff, can't wait for it.

Keith (aka SSLTech) wrote in another thread:

"The 'E' preamps used a pot with a push/pull switch to engage phantom, and a 20dB pad switch, below the red polarity button. they were available as transformer (Jensen JE-115K-E) on the 82E01 board, or with an LM394 matched-pair transformerless input on the later 82E149 version.

The 'G' preamps had switched gain, and no push/pull for phantom, so the pad switch was sacrificed, and the range of the preamp extended downwards. the board number was 82E249 if i recall correctly."

Is that preamp based on any of this ?


bruno2000 said:
Whoops said:
Hi Bruno the SSL 4K will be the preamp from the E series or G series consoles?


The prototype boards that I have now are for the later E Series / G Series 2 IC (5534) pre amps (SSL-241).  I breadboarded both this one and the 1 IC version and liked this one better.  Several years ago I built up 12 channels of SSL Mic Pre / EQ's using this circuit and the SSL-242 EQ boards.  I used some old Richenbach Engineering input transformers, and liked them a lot.  With this layout, you'll have several options for transformers.  If there is enough interest, I could easily lay out a 1 IC version.

Sorry, my mistake!  You are correct that the G series had a stepped gain control with an integrated pad.  We have some modules labeled "611 E/G" that have the G EQ, and the E mic pre.  Those were what I was thinking of.  The pre being built uses a gain pot, and fixed pad.
I was just trying to figure out if those pres would be the same as we have here in the studio,
our desk has modules labeled "SL 611G", they have steped gain control, but no pad.
The Eq is definitely G series, but I dont know if the Pre is G or E series like yours.


bruno2000 said:
Whoops said:
Cool stuff, can't wait for it.

Keith (aka SSLTech) wrote in another thread:

"The 'E' preamps used a pot with a push/pull switch to engage phantom, and a 20dB pad switch, below the red polarity button. they were available as transformer (Jensen JE-115K-E) on the 82E01 board, or with an LM394 matched-pair transformerless input on the later 82E149 version.

The 'G' preamps had switched gain, and no push/pull for phantom, so the pad switch was sacrificed, and the range of the preamp extended downwards. the board number was 82E249 if i recall correctly."

Is that preamp based on any of this ?


bruno2000 said:
Whoops said:
Hi Bruno the SSL 4K will be the preamp from the E series or G series consoles?


The prototype boards that I have now are for the later E Series / G Series 2 IC (5534) pre amps (SSL-241).  I breadboarded both this one and the 1 IC version and liked this one better.  Several years ago I built up 12 channels of SSL Mic Pre / EQ's using this circuit and the SSL-242 EQ boards.  I used some old Richenbach Engineering input transformers, and liked them a lot.  With this layout, you'll have several options for transformers.  If there is enough interest, I could easily lay out a 1 IC version.

Sorry, my mistake!  You are correct that the G series had a stepped gain control with an integrated pad.  We have some modules labeled "611 E/G" that have the G EQ, and the E mic pre.  Those were what I was thinking of.  The pre being built uses a gain pot, and fixed pad.
leitrim_lad said:
Hey there, im wondering if ye could help me.. Im building the other ssl9k (gustav PCB) and i just have a quick question about parts..


Hey, better put this in the other 9k thread about Keith's 9k, so the supportthreads stay clean. Most of your questions we're also covered there by the way.

Anyway, to answer your questions :
-SSM : the datasheet that is available on the page that you linked, says it's a drop in replacement for the SSM2142 (RTFM !  ;) ) As a matter of fact, a lot of people prefer the That above the AD.
-C85, I haven't put anything in it, because the schematic didn't show anything either. Mine 9k's work just fine. I suppose the pads are made in case you need 2 caps instead of one to get to the right value. Or something like that. Don't mind the C85.
-TL052 : U32B should be U31B. There's one TL052 needed for a single channel. No 51's. So, yes, you're correct.
-dual ganged pot. Yes, Colin sells the appropriate dualganged 2k5 revlogpots that are needed for the 9k, which is as you already guessed, the same as the one in Bruno's BOM.

Hope this gets you going. It's an easy project, have fun !

Can't seem to find 47k Triple R/Log Pot on the AML site and the only 2k2 R/Log Pot is 20mm, are the Pots supposed to be 16 or 20mm?  ChrisP