Another pillar of the Deep State Conspiracy crumbles

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Well, so far, the things Barr says and does has only been a political stance, supporting and firming up the endless ridiculous conspiracies Trump spews and demands action on.

But, we patiently wait for Durham’s report the far-right is counting on... Whatever it takes, unlike the daily whining of Trump, a lot of Republican leaders, and the 24-hour “news” talking-heads, about it how long Mueller was taking. If there’s something there (I still think if there is, it will be much less to do about nothing than what the far-right claims about the Mueller report), I hope they find it. Regardless, I’m confident that won’t satisfy them. I patiently wait to be wrong. Anything is possible.
The results of Bash’s inquiry have not been made public, but the article claimed that “the findings ultimately turned over to Barr fell short of what Trump and others might have hoped.” The outlet noted it was “unable to review the full results of what Bash found” and that information has not been released, so it is not yet known what Bash unearthed.

Well we wait patiently should any indictments come about, but everything I’ve read is saying it’s not expected, so I won’t be holding my breath. Same about public release of the report. But anyone still holding out hope, don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be shared with Durham if there really is anything there, so there’s still hope.
The Durham investigation has been successfully delayed by COVID and uncooperative witnesses.

We wouldn't know it from watching Comey but the justice department shouldn't interfere with elections and news about sensitive investigations shouldn't be leaked to media just before a vote.

Further Durham is a serious investigator and when trying to make effective criminal prosecutions you don't telegraph your hand to the other team until you have all the evidence you need to convict. When the Durham investigation was changed to criminal that telegraphed to any paying attention that they had evidence of criminal behavior. We don't know how far up the organization that behavior goes, but he is following the evidence where it takes them.

Some legislators leaked confidential information because they are political animals. Of course President Trump wants to release everything yesterday but justice won't blow their criminal case(s) just to gain some short term political currency.

Of course maybe I'm wrong...  ::)  I was expecting (hoping) for one or more indictments by now, but that window appears closed until after the vote.

I agree with all this except for the expecting (hoping) part.

More than anything, should Biden win and Durham completes his investigation, and if he doesn’t find much of anything and no real bombshell indictment(s) happen (which I’m expecting to be the case), I can already hear more of the endless coverup conspiracy garbage. Where does it end? It never does. And now we have these conspiracy perpetrators creeping into office after one of them made it to the head of the snake.

Americans are about to vote if this is what they really want and it seems about half of us really do and want to turn it up even more, so no matter what, it’s going to be a very rough ride I’m not looking forward to!
Interested in a break from this wingnut conspiracy theory for something real?

Sen. Whitehouse questions Amy Barrett on dark money infecting the judicial branch and the methods of activist SCOTUS judges to overrule long standing precedents.

The idea that Barrett did not know about the difference in disclosures for SCOTUS and the activist methods that have been at work in the courts is ludicrous. I don't know if ignorance or bad faith (i.e. she's lying) is worse.

Recording Engineer said:
Where does it end? It never does.
Regardless of what it says, it will be endless conspiracy garbage.  That's the only play left in the playbook.

The beautiful thing is, it can be labeled as fake news and ignored.
It is meant to take the oxygen from the room. Smart people are putting this forward to distract from the real news.
The lemmings follow.

The major revolution needed is address the dark money flowing through politics. And the consolidated corporate ownership of media platforms
dmp said:
Interested in a break from this wingnut conspiracy theory for something real?

Sen. Whitehouse questions Amy Barrett on dark money infecting the judicial branch and the methods of activist SCOTUS judges to overrule long standing precedents.

The idea that Barrett did not know about the difference in disclosures for SCOTUS and the activist methods that have been at work in the courts is ludicrous. I don't know if ignorance or bad faith (i.e. she's lying) is worse.
I tried to watch it but 3 minutes in was enough for me to get the thrust of his dark money screed (do you have a time cue in mind). He even slimed Justice Kavanaugh just to get warmed up, suggesting that he escaped a lower court investigation by his appointment to SCOTUS. 
Sen Whitehouse used one of his other 30 minute question periods this week to lecture the cameras and not even ask a single question.  This time at least he asked a few questions up front. 

I am more concerned about accountability of our legislators (how do they become millionaires on civil servant pay scale?). SCOTUS justices serve for life so don't need to perpetually raise campaign funds, like the common swamp dwellers. 

Judge Barrett seems well qualified and not very ignorant (we are all ignorant about something, I expect her expertise about SCOTUS to improve dramatically in the near future).

The legislators apparently have given up on blocking her appointment so have tried to repurpose the days of televised question time into a partisan talking points party. Smart politics but not worth inspecting closely IMO.

dmp said:
It is meant to take the oxygen from the room. Smart people are putting this forward to distract from the real news.
The lemmings follow.
The MSM stays distracted by bright shiny objects.

An interesting new strategy is to block Trump posts from twitter and Facebook.
The major revolution needed is address the dark money flowing through politics.
"Revolution"... Was that an intentional word choice?

If it was as simple as big money, we'd be talking about Presidential candidate Bloomberg.  ::)
And the consolidated corporate ownership of media platforms
Hmm...  like facebook and twitter batting for team Biden?

JohnRoberts said:
An interesting new strategy is to block Trump posts from twitter and Facebook.

When the president of the United States declares that whatever he posts on Twitter and Facebook is an official United States White House statement releases... Have you seen what he posts? At what point, as a business and on a human-level, do you decide to take action if you truly feel harm is being done? Where is the accountability for the leader of the free world? “Vote” or “impeach” as the only answer absolutely cannot be the only accountability for the leader of the free world!
Recording Engineer said:
When the president of the United States declares that whatever he posts on Twitter and Facebook is an official United States White House statement releases... Have you seen what he posts?
no you couldn't pay me to follow twitter, but millions of people including main stream news does. That said his near constant trolling of the MSN with his tweets means they get coverage. At least until twitter and Facebook decided to block him. At least they are man enough to do this in plain sight. Facebook only recently decided to take down holocaust deniers, so their moral high ground isn't that high.  ::)
At what point, as a business and on a human-level, do you decide to take action if you truly feel harm is being done?
feelings..?  Action? 

I feel like the previous administration did great harm to this country. The only "action" I took was to vote against those promising more of that.
Where is the accountability for the leader of the free world? “Vote” or “impeach” as the only answer absolutely cannot be the only accountability for the leader of the free world!
Vote him out of office if you think he is not good for the country (or if you do not like him). That seems pretty straightforward, and is only weeks away, so you don't even have to wait to vote (while we may need to wait a while for a vote result).

Getting voted out of office is the ultimate accountability in our system of government. 

JohnRoberts said:
I feel like the previous administration did great harm to this country.

Seriously? How?

Especially in light of the irresponsible deregulation from the 80s onward, the mass-incarceration, the for-profit warmongering and engaging in torture while redistributing money to the richest 1% during the GWB administration and now the sheer and utter proto-fascist cleptocratic scorched-earth madness that is the Trump presidency.

How on earth is the boring, scandal-free, economy-saving, centrist, keep-things-afloat-while-making-incremental changes and masochistically trying-to-be-bipartisan administration of Obama/Biden the one that did great harm?

And I haven't even mentioned climate change yet.

Why do you hate reality so much?  ;D
living sounds said:
Seriously? How?
Keep your powder dry for the next four years, as no combination of English words (or German, for that matter) will convince anyone of anything.  Should Biden prevail, it will take a lot of effort to deconstruct the "deconstruction of the administrative state".

Also, should Biden prevail, Trump voters should be looking at the bright side, in that they'll be permitted to be critical of the executive branch once again.
JohnRoberts said:
::) feelings..?  Action? 

Feelings on Trump’s words and actions truly being harmful.

A doctor would be fired and barred from practicing instantly. Unfortunately, mostly all GOP leaders have not made him accountable enough to make him tolerable until election time; providing him so much opportunity to push every boundary and bringing us to this boiling point we’re seeing now.

I almost wonder if Trump winning another 4-years (or 8 according to Trump) and seeing how far the American people will let him take this crap may be the best thing.
Quote from: JohnRoberts on Today at 03:21:58 PM

    I feel like the previous administration did great harm to this country.

living sounds said:
Seriously? How?

Well, by being intelligent, well-spoken, willing to work with the opposition (remember, it was McConnell who drove the impasse in Washington via his publicly stated intention to make Obama a "one-term president." ).  He was respectful and compassionate, and genuinely concerned about the welfare of this country.  Obama continues to do harm to this country by making Trump look so bad by comparison. 

Expect that when Republican's lose control, they will pivot back to debt hysterics and imposing austerity - a real contribution of the slow recovery after the GFC.
Don't give oxygen to bad faith talking points, it is the goal of Republicans to distract from what they are really doing.
dmp said:
Expect that when Republican's lose control, they will pivot back to debt hysterics and imposing austerity - a real contribution of the slow recovery after the GFC.
Already happening.  McConnell, through his inaction & intransigence, is pushing us ever closer to a depression.  He's a classy & caring guy, that Mitch McConnell.