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hey all, i often travel around the DFW area looking for cheap and interesting donor mics for tinkering and i kept seeing this guy from an apparently now-defunct company called Daria Microphones: 
I normally skip anything like this, assuming it’s some kind of cheap bm800 thing made of tin foil and built with a very cheap electret capsule, but once i grabbed this thing it was HEFTY. like, very very dense and great build quality all around.
i took one home, and started googling. apparently this was the only model they sold, and since both their company email and website have been offline for at least a couple of years (appears to have been active from around 2020-2022) ive decided to bring it to you all for thoughts.
from their marketing, this was meant to be a sort of “poor man’s c800g” with a super hyped top end response. when they first released, i believe they even had 800 or 251 as the leading model numbers but eventually differentiated because they got a lot of questions. this mic contains no tube, and appears to have a 67/87-style capsule inside. from the color of the ring, may be the same one lewitt uses? just spitballing on that—anyway—
i’ve included some more pictures of this thing in case anyone with more knowledge than i have can shed some light on what’s going on with this thing, or might have any idea what this is.

I normally skip anything like this, assuming it’s some kind of cheap bm800 thing made of tin foil and built with a very cheap electret capsule, but once i grabbed this thing it was HEFTY. like, very very dense and great build quality all around.
i took one home, and started googling. apparently this was the only model they sold, and since both their company email and website have been offline for at least a couple of years (appears to have been active from around 2020-2022) ive decided to bring it to you all for thoughts.
from their marketing, this was meant to be a sort of “poor man’s c800g” with a super hyped top end response. when they first released, i believe they even had 800 or 251 as the leading model numbers but eventually differentiated because they got a lot of questions. this mic contains no tube, and appears to have a 67/87-style capsule inside. from the color of the ring, may be the same one lewitt uses? just spitballing on that—anyway—
i’ve included some more pictures of this thing in case anyone with more knowledge than i have can shed some light on what’s going on with this thing, or might have any idea what this is.