[quote author="deanp920"]I've got my battery powered filaments going now.
Made my circuit dead quiet. But the weird thing is that the sound seems different, to...cleaner, sort of, with depth. Must just be the improved S/N.
[quote author="bcarso"]Is it better? Well...It's not regulated, and it can actually have higher noise than a really well-designed regulated supply. But it floats, except for its own capacitance to the rest of the Universe, so that is an advantage.
For some data on battery noise , see towards the end of:
Nice to see some comparative plots bcarso!
I'm gonna throw this out to see what argument it starts, and then duck and cover since I can't speak from any experience at all.
I have heard several extreme antique (1920's-1930's) audio nuts swear to the 'cleaner with improved depth and imaging' thing with the direct heated tubes of that era. I've heard mention that many of those tubes were designed with battery supply as the rule for all voltages, and that they do indeed sound far better with batteries. This is with new amps built with new parts driven by 4 pin direct heated triodes, as well as your restored WE esoterica.
I can't address at all how much crack they may or may not have smoked before the listening tests, or whether or not they burned their houses down.