Regarding your previous post on the power supply first.
The DC resistance of a normal choke is likely to be a 100~200 ohms so it will not drop 530V to 440V, check it with ohms law.
You have 4 x 100uF caps in series so the capacitance will only be 25uF, the original has 2x140uF in series so that will be 70uF.
You have also missed out the balancing resistors, so it's not safe like that. 500V power supplies need care and respect!
You don't need as little as 4uF for the first cap either, 2x 100uF 350V caps with balancing resistors will be an improvement.
Regarding the EL34: When you have done a good job on the power supply, there will be very little AC on the EL34, it is just there to regulate the DC voltage for the signal amp. You might find that the choke radiates much more AC so be careful where you site that. I have had problems with chokes like that so I used a resistor and as much capacitance as possible.
The DC resistance of a normal choke is likely to be a 100~200 ohms so it will not drop 530V to 440V, check it with ohms law.
You have 4 x 100uF caps in series so the capacitance will only be 25uF, the original has 2x140uF in series so that will be 70uF.
You have also missed out the balancing resistors, so it's not safe like that. 500V power supplies need care and respect!
You don't need as little as 4uF for the first cap either, 2x 100uF 350V caps with balancing resistors will be an improvement.
Regarding the EL34: When you have done a good job on the power supply, there will be very little AC on the EL34, it is just there to regulate the DC voltage for the signal amp. You might find that the choke radiates much more AC so be careful where you site that. I have had problems with chokes like that so I used a resistor and as much capacitance as possible.