A wee comment of the state of afairs

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
The autonomic nature of social media's 'report back and collect bonus points' experience is reminiscent of all the great dictatorships in history
Are we no longer living in the moment and instead have to project forward in time by remote control ?
'We constructed pyramids in honour of your escaping ' is it no more than a tribute to power itself ?
Is that all we've amounted too as a species ?
There was quite a revealing interview with Admiral Morrison about his relationship with his son a couple of years before he passed , I guess father and son wound up at polar opposites idealogically , which time may have healed , sadly Jim's time was too short .

I get the sense Zappa was quite angry about getting bounced around from base to base also as his father a chemist and mathematician worked for the US Army producing all manner of nasty .

I have to say being the son of a retired navy man myself gave me some very early insights into the politics involved in working for the institutions of the state , later on, when I had time to cross check and compare other peoples experiences , I knew not to touch any of them with a proverbial barge pole .

I'll always remember my Tech Drawing/Woodwork teacher saying to the class 'never ever work for the military' very forcefully , although I suspect he was speaking from personal experience , he would not elaborate any further on the matter . When I had to change schools and country on account of my dads employment same teacher in his usual gruff yet honest tone said , there'll be no woodwork, tech drawing or metal work where your heading son ,and the man was right .

I suppose the burning question your comment brings to my mind is , did you try the Hoffman/Owsley
cool-aid back in the good old days JR?
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I suppose the burning question your comment brings to my mind is , did you try the Hoffman/Owsley
cool-aid back in the good old days JR?
Not sure I should publicly admit such things, and I never heard it called that.. We knew it as LSD or just acid. Back in the day I knew one couple who did way too much acid and their brains were fried. Then there were those people for whom 1x was too many times. It is not a good thing for weak minded people who are easily freaked out. Its like driving a car going 100 MPH where you can steer but not operate the brakes. I did it enough times to learn what I felt there was to learn from it and stopped after only a handful of times (it mainly screws with the brains translation engine that makes sense of raw input data, like sights and sounds, and).

One night long after I had stopped, in an army barracks at Ft Riley, KS the overnight cook (they made him the overnight cook because he was such a screw up) well this cook, his name was Tony Mudd told me he was tripping by himself that night. I decided it might not be wise for him to trip alone in the army barracks so I decided to be his wing man that night (he had an extra tab to share). We both landed safely several hours later, mission accomplished.

I absolutely positively do not encourage anybody to do psychedelics without expert supervision, maybe not even with... what we did in the 60s was a different time. Nowadays the drug dealers are spiking what should be relatively harmless drugs with fentanyl making them deadly. It's too easy to die now by accident. I had a high school friend die from his first and only experiment with heroin. Ironically perhaps times were a little safer back then but we didn't have Narcan. If you are young and stupid maybe get some. The life you save may be your own.

Theres an old Piseóg ( Pish-ogue )in my town about a few guys who cooked up their own acid way back , none of them were ever right again , there all dead now . Was another bunch of my friends took a variety of trips called 'Hulk Hogans' way back , not sure exactly what happened but they all needed to see the psych doc afterwards .

I had an American buddy here at one point , worked for Boston Sci. He had spent time in the core ,stationed out in Okinawa , just to get through the boredom they'd take acid and go out on patrol , wasnt an enemy within thousands of miles but they managed to scare each other shitless none the less .

I never bothered with the synthetic acid , dosage and subsequent effects were always somewhat unpredictable in the people I saw taking it . I did on a handfull of ocassions try our local variety 'liberty cap' mushrooms which pop out of the ground every year towards the end of the summer , psylocybin being the active ingredient , effects ranged from having to lay down and stare at the ceiling melting in a room on my own ,to some very strange and comically funny moments where we could'nt hold back the tears and belly aches from all the laughter . Another time we took a lash of them before catching a bus down town , as we stepped aboard 'Whiter shade of pale' by procul Harum played on the radio , it was like being on a magic carpet with sound and lights added , we thought we had landed back in the 60's .

Its a roller coaster ride I dont need at this stage of my life and many of the people who I knew did it alot went on to have serious substance abuse problems later on , Im not suggesting for a second the LSD was the cause , there were undoubtedly underlying issues . Even the toughest and most resilient people could be reduced to a foetus that wants to crawl back between their moma's legs while tripping , mood ,souroundings , people your with and life experiences can all have a bearing on how it goes .
Some very disturbing facts are starting to emerge relating to Epstein/Maxwell .
Epteins estate has settled a case with 135 victims for a sum of around 130 million dollars .
Where is these peoples testimoney gone , why arent the clients of Epstein/Maxwell being brought to book ?
Its clear they were opperating a 'honey trap' type set up , not unlike what rogue elements within the inteligence services were found to be doing in days gone by . What next? Maxwells appeal just happens to land on the desk of a high court judge who was one of their clients ? How can we be sure the state itself hasnt gone into 'self protect' or damage limitation mode . Why are victims having to take civil cases against the perpetrators ?

We've seen and are still dealing with the damage caused here in Ireland by what I call the unholy trinity , the collar , the suit and the balaclava , where victims were eligable for compensation only after going before a Spanish inquisition type interogation and forced to sign non disclosure agreements to protect the guilty . What is this rot that seems to set in within the corridoors of power of human civilisations and why do we seem to continiously crash and bang through the same broken locked loop over and over and over again ?

Only just this morning the Irish prime minister has conceded that the way the testimoney of the survivors of the mother and baby homes was hidden from public view by the previous administration both was ileagal and extremely hurtful to those who had the courage to come forward , its like a small step forward after ten steps back .
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Funny meme alright . Mommy mommy daddys got his dick in the mashed potatoes and grandad thinks he's the Christmas fairy trying to climb to the top of the tree .

Last night I brought up the Epstein/Maxwell case in an online chat I go to made up mostly of Americans of all colours , creeds and political persuasions . The overwhelming reaction was one of total disgust . There were a few who had real difficulty swallowing the fact that former President Trump was a regular passenger on the 'Lolita Express' , of course thats not proof of any wrong doing in and of itself , but Trumps own publicly quoted words hardly inspire trust in any rational human being that he did the right thing , do they? Likewise Bill Clintons previous form regarding his own sexual activities and lack of truth under questioning may not constitute proof of any wrong doing , but he was also a guest of Epstein/Maxwell . For a finish we more or less all ended up agreeing that its the political system itself lends itself to corruption and it going on both sides of the political barbed wire fence .

I skimmed a few of the headlines relating to Dershowitz's comments to the BBC , he seemed to suggest Epstein was or should have been secretly recording these encounters . The threat of releasing such compromising data may have served as a get out of jail card while he was alive or the threat of public release in the event of his death may have kept the wolves from the door a little while longer , but obviously Epsteins trump cards failed him in the end .
So it seems likely now Maxwell is the keyholder to the vault containing such material if it still exists , then again she may have been in the pocket of Israeli inteligence all along , a casual perusal of the Maxwells family history is well worth a look for anyone who wants to play join the dots .
I don't think many believe that Epstein committed suicide. There are probably betting pools speculating on Maxwell's expiration date.

If she was going to make a deal, trading on her trove of embarrassing evidence implicating famous and powerful people, I would have expected it already. If she was Epstein's insurance policy that didn't help him. She should have anticipated being found guilty after Epstein was, then again how smart was she to do what she/they did?

There is reportedly sex trafficking coming across our porous southern border now. Maybe we should focus on stopping the crime still occurring.

So its looking like now a man about to be convicted of paedophila and sex trafficing but apparently commited suicide, and his cohorts (including the Queens son)are protected by the US law from prosecution due to an out of court settlement and 'non dis' agreement . Weve seen the exact same political and judicial chikanery here in Ireland for decades , is it a wonder the downtrodden lost faith in a broken system long ago ?
So its looking like now a man about to be convicted of paedophila and sex trafficing but apparently commited suicide, and his cohorts (including the Queens son)are protected by the US law from prosecution due to an out of court settlement and 'non dis' agreement . Weve seen the exact same political and judicial chikanery here in Ireland for decades , is it a wonder the downtrodden lost faith in a broken system long ago ?
Not strictly true. One possible witness has taken the 13 pieces of silver that's all.


I did read somewhere else Epsteins estate had settled with 135 survivors of his abuse for 130 million dollars , I think its probably a safe assumption that they built in some form of indemnity from further legal action into the settlement .