Tubetec said:
Theres an interesting parrallel in the animal kingdom , the robin red breast here in Ireland is the tamest of all birds,its very bad luck to ever harm them , it'll land within 12 inches of you in the garden ,and happily feed on anything you happen to unearth .
Sounds nice...... My brother and sister and I used to get a kick out of feeding squirrels and have them crawl on us to get the bread......One time we had one inside the a good idea but it left...we have too many squirrels here now....They eat most of the bird food until the Raccoons come at night and get the rest.....
Yeah I feed a bunch of birds and you can tell the same come around and I believe they live in the section of woods/conservation behind me..Cardinals, some weird black birds, some FL doves...etc... I read somewhere that Bluejays like peanuts and can pick up on them from very far away.. I put some out and sure enough, within a week I had two and now there are several babies. My Grandmother used to have them all over her yard and I missed seeing them. Pretty nice birds. My mother actually has some sand cranes that come around that will eat out of your hand and let you touch them. I fed a couple where I live and they would be here every day until I decided it wasn't safe enough on my street for them to be crossing all of the time.... People drive too fast around the chicanes here.....
Tubetec said:
How much of our personal fear is down to 'bogie man' conspiriacy fed to us from day one , and how have our own personal experiences shaped this fear of the unknown.
I used to have to tell my wife to be careful walking around nude at night in front of all of the back windows....we have no curtains..... She didn't want any because we are backed on a conservation and there are no houses behind. But there are plenty around and people cut through the yards sometimes..... I think I mentioned somewhere here that I swear I've seen drones in my backyard....... One of the next door neighbor's kids and friends gave me a startle when I went out back to feed my fish late at night and they were right by my back bedroom windows....."looking for their dog"...good thing when I called the father, the dog wasn't lost and fine inside.. :
... Of course this wasn't enough for my wife so, not too long ago , I caught another one of the neighbor's kids friends because he forgot to turn off his phone when he was coming by my window around midnight and I saw the light...... And now my wife does and wants curtains.......
It's unfortunate some have to live in a place where I hear the only reason you want to leave your car unlocked is to keep the glass in tact when the break in happens....... I live in a kinda nice area and, although my trucks have been broken into twice, it might have actually been because the doors were unlocked.... not intentionally
I think personal experiences play a big role in how people tend to look at the unknown. It's obvious when I try to teach my son some things based on my experience that this works the other way ......
I recently had a conversation with him voicing that I really don't get any kicks out of him telling me I was right and that him being safe and staying out of easily avoidable trouble is much more of a reward for me..... and it's cheaper...... :-[
I was looking around on Ebay the other day and came across some photos of Dachau..... I've seen some pretty messed up stuff in my life , one of the most horrible tragedies was a fatal heroin overdose of some girl at a party..... I was with my buddies next door and one of his friends was an EMT and the people having the party knew this.... Walking through the house, you'd think everything was normal with people just hanging out ......until we got into the back bedroom where all the commotion was........ An entire house full of people without a clue what was going on....... Wild.....but nothing like those pics of that train.....unreal....