Spencerleehorton said:I wanted a 414 before I built my c12a's so I demoed a few and hated them, also tried out the SE 4400a thinking it would be the one but didn't like any of the SE range and sent about 5k of mics back, at the time I ordered a big selection box of SE mics to try!!!
Which you could do then, don't know if they still do it?
It's all horses for courses Gus, one man's silence is another man's jet engine!!!
Khron said:Also, you'll probably want two teflon standoff pins for two points in the circuit - the tube grid (and one end of R2 and C3 respectively), as well as the backplate (SB / PB, the other end of C3 and one end of R7).
Khron said:Condensed version - both legs of C3 should be on isolation pins, as do the respective ends of the 200M resistors connecting to it, and the tube's grid, and the respective lead coming from the capsule.
justinheronmusic said:The pins for the tube will be mounted on the back, and the rest of the pins will be top mounted. After I add footprints for the isolation pins, how is everything looking for the 4th draft? Any other issues that need tobe addressed?
justinheronmusic said:I did find this 2.25:1 on AA website. I know that this isn't the exact windings, but will this work for the AKG C12A?
RuudNL said:Are these pulled from another microphone?
(Short red wire, looks like the other wires have been soldered before.)
Gus said:A little off topic but might be fun to try and compare to the tube version in this thread
I posted a simple cut and paste follower schematic in the linked thread
The follower has the JFET drain bootstrapped so the drain tracks the input
Biasing should be investigated
could try one of the China about 2:1 transformers in from the JFET, PNP microphone circuits
30VDC as shown
other followers could be used this one is from the EB