I've been looking at the schematics for the vintage AKG C451E and it looks like it would be pretty simple to upgrade; all it would need is up to four component swaps. Have a look at the attached drawing, I think that if I replace C1, C2, T1 and T2, it would be all this mic might need. When Jim Williams did his C451/C452 mods, he left the transformers intact and told me that he thought that they were great. These are my thoughts:

- C1: Replace with an Amtrans AMCH copper-foil 470pF
- C2: with a little Elna Silmic II cap of the same value, and bypass it with a little Amtrans AMCH copper-foil 1000pf on the bottom of the pcb.
- T1: Leave it alone.
- T2: I have some old Hitachi C2545 transistors in my box to replace the BC183B that's originally there.
- Does C2 need to be as big as 33uf? For example, the Neumann KM84 uses a 1uf in the signal path right before the output transformer. Why did AKG choose 33uf?
- Any suggestions to replace the 2SK30R that AKG used for T1? Would you leave it as-is?
- Would my C2545 be a good substitute for T2? What would you suggest?

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