[quote author="EmoRiot"]jim,
congrats on those a-24s! I saw them and considered getting them just to have around in case I build another LA2a, or four. :wink:
I've noticed that the bulk discount on ebay is strong. Each A-24 would have sold for just over 100 bucks each. But listing all four together comes up cheaper. Go figure.
What meters have you gone with?[/quote]
Thanks. I was giving up on getting any and I feel I paid too much but I just want to get going on getting the main and rarest parts such as trannies and T4B (a T4B just sold for $200.00 on eBay! You can buy them new for $88.00!). So now I have 4 and as CJ says they can be used as input as well so I am not that desperate to get A-10 or Sowter.
The meters I got are Weston. Big black ones with 2 bulbs in them. They are cool and I prefer to Sifam.
I also got 4 other Westons but more modern look but also gigantic scale!
The Daven pots are neat and seem to still work (tried only with a VOM so maybe they are noisy).
I am building 2. One for me and one for my friend that has a recording studio and ......a MACHINE SHOP ! Ha! Amazing luck.
If they turn out great (just being cautious) I hope to make 2 more as I would like a pair.
I hope they turn out half as good as everyone else here. For me DIY is not to save money but to have the pride of having built something (even if its not my design) as well as learn a little along the way. I think there is something inside all DIYers that is a little of the mini scientist (mini for me not for the rest of you). We love to discover and chalenge ourselves.
In the end as I told my friend I will pay less for my LA2A in dollars but in time it will be 3 times over. I don't mind. I am finishing my studio for the same crazy reason. D. I. Y its crazy but its passionate.
(I don't know where that came from but there I said it and I'm sticking to my story).