A couple quick questions for y'all.
I am using Sowter transformers, and found on the Sowter web site a copy of the schematic showing color coded wiring specific to their transformers. Cool.
In studying this schematic, which appears to be a later revision than the one in the bloo manual, I note an unlabeled variable capacitor that is strapped in parallel across R30 (47k). This branch of the circuit appears to relate to the stereo parallel option. What value are you all using here? Or are you omitting this value.
Also, in an earlier version of the schematic, at pin 2 of the 6AQ5, there is a 1k in parallel with a 50uf cap. (r36||C10). In the later schematic I downloaded from Sowter, I note the values changed to 470 in parallel with 100uf. Is there a consensus on a preferred version to use here?
Best regards