Welcome to the forum, wave. I wouldn't say the Bloo is a really difficult kit, but being point to point (and high voltage) it might not be the best starting point if you've never built anything before. Have you done much soldering up to now? Ever modified any of your gear? Do you have some basic equipment like a decent DMM, scope, and hand tools?
Many other people have given the following advice to newbies: try a simple project first (passive DI box, distortion pedal, bench power supply, etc.) to get a little experience and confidence before diving into an expensive kit.
The Bloo is a nice kit--looks great and sounds great when its done. If I were you I would start sourcing parts for it, but also build another starter project while you gather goodies.
As for parts types, you can get most of what you need from DigiKey, Mouser, etc. I used NOS 12BH7 and 6AQ5 tube that I had around and JJs 12AX7s (google for EuroTubes for the US distributor of JJs--good stuff). Sowter transformers are fine, but it looks like you need the grid stoppers on the 12BH7--not a big deal.
Read back through this entire thread and pay close attention to the photos people have posted. You will want to refer to them when you start wiring your front panel. Check out CJs web page for a nice set of diagrams courtesy of Cayocosta, but note that it is not exactly the same as the Bloo kit. Also read the meta-meta at the top of the forum page. Lots of great info there.
You'll soon be an addict like the rest of us. ..
Analog Packrat