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Congratulation! Everytime another LA2A is born I cannot help being excited with anticipation for mine to be born. I think it will 9 months before I finish.

No I have the Meters and the transformers (in/out). Left are the T4B (I'll be getting from JBL next). After that all the regular electronic components in one shot. The chassis will be hand made at my friend's machine shop. I'll kget the T4Bs in June, and th erest of the parts in July so I think I will have my LA2As (building 2 for me and at least 1 for my friend) done by September hopefully.

Hello all!
First let me say I'm a huge newbie. I've been reading these forums for a while and I decided to do a project. Maybe I shouldnt have picked it as my first but I really like LAs so I got a Bloo kit (which is awesome..great job scenaria) I'm starting to source the other parts so my first question is can i get everything (except trafos) at one place (i.e. mouser)? What kind of components should i get ( carbon comp resistors, Xicon brand)? It seems like peeps have trouble with the sowters cause of the grid stoppers should i use other trafos? I think I need some serious help and it would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the forum, wave. I wouldn't say the Bloo is a really difficult kit, but being point to point (and high voltage) it might not be the best starting point if you've never built anything before. Have you done much soldering up to now? Ever modified any of your gear? Do you have some basic equipment like a decent DMM, scope, and hand tools?

Many other people have given the following advice to newbies: try a simple project first (passive DI box, distortion pedal, bench power supply, etc.) to get a little experience and confidence before diving into an expensive kit.

The Bloo is a nice kit--looks great and sounds great when its done. If I were you I would start sourcing parts for it, but also build another starter project while you gather goodies.

As for parts types, you can get most of what you need from DigiKey, Mouser, etc. I used NOS 12BH7 and 6AQ5 tube that I had around and JJs 12AX7s (google for EuroTubes for the US distributor of JJs--good stuff). Sowter transformers are fine, but it looks like you need the grid stoppers on the 12BH7--not a big deal.

Read back through this entire thread and pay close attention to the photos people have posted. You will want to refer to them when you start wiring your front panel. Check out CJs web page for a nice set of diagrams courtesy of Cayocosta, but note that it is not exactly the same as the Bloo kit. Also read the meta-meta at the top of the forum page. Lots of great info there.

You'll soon be an addict like the rest of us. ..

Analog Packrat
Thanks AnalogPackrat!
Ive been soldering for a long time. Mostly making cables, fixing pedals and modifying ps2s and xboxes. I have made a distortion pedal before including etching my own pcb. I have a good DMM and tools but no scope. Speaking of sourcing parts, I just want to make sure I get the right ones.
Thanks for the help!
Sounds like you've got the basic skills, so go for it. Just take your time and you shouldn't have any major trouble. Lots of folks have built these things. I used a mixture of all kinds of 1/2W resistors--metal film when I could get them at the local surplus shops, but mostly carbon film and some carbon comps, too. If you're buying all new parts, you might as well go with all metal film. Caps...I used polystyrene and silver mica for the small stuff (500pf and less), polypro and mylar for the rest (except for the C7s and C10 which are electrolytic).

Good luck,
Analog Packrat
Hi all,
On the Bloo manual page 5 the table lists 1 M preset for R3, R4, and R37 is that a 1m lin pot?
Thanks Scenaria,
Also on page 5 I have no values for C11, 12, or 13.
Can I use the values in Cayocosta's layout rev 5-15-05
C11- .01
C12- .001
C13- 510pf
On page 2 of the Bloo manual theres a kit checklist it says 1x XLR Cassis mount male and female which I dont have. Can I just use some switchcraft panel mount jacks from mouser (figured I'd could order with my caps etc..)
If youre ordering from mouser and it says availabilty
12511 ships immediately
estimated factory lead time 13 weeks
does that mean you have to wait 13 weeks if you want 10 of the item?
Mouser is damn fast. As you fill in your order and it says in stock, it will ship immediately. Ifin your placing your order right now (11:15PM CST, they're in the Dallas Area BTW), your order will be in the shipper's hands tomorrow. Any order placed B4 noon usually ships that same day. I love mouser. I usually use UPS ground and often get next day delivery since I'm just down the street.

Now if the item is out of stock or back ordered, it's out of their control. I waited about 2 months for a 4PDT PC mount slider switch, but one day it poped up at my door. Nobody else offered anything even close.
I also am not clear on the caps
some are specified in the Bloo manual to need a power rating of 450V
what should the others power rating be?
I'm looking at mouser and I see orange drop caps rated at .022
can I use those for .02 (ie C1 -.02)