No problem. Glad you got it sorted out. I can't tell you what you should build--it depends on what you have, what you're doing with it, and what you think you want. I can tell you what I did and why...
I have a DAW setup using a Presonus Firepod and Reaper (used to use Sonar 3.x). So I had some basic mic pres, but no other outboard. I also started out with an LA-2a (Bloo kit). Then I built a pair of 312s and a pair of 1272s to get some old school mic pre flavor. Then I stalled. I have a ton of parts for other projects, some of which are partly built: 2x WHAT compressors with DOAs and transformer I/O, 2x 1272 with Carnhill iron, 1x 1176 Rev D, 1x Telefunken V76 with CineMag iron, 2x NYDave one bottle pre, 2x NYDave passive EQ, 2x FETBoy pre, an assortment of line amps for makeup gain duty on passive EQs and summing, scads of DOA boards, and piles of other junque. I was hoping to end up with a nice set of relatively flexible pres and outboard for small projects that I would then mix in the box.
I think my cat has somehow passed along some genes--I can't stay focused on...hey, look at that ball!...what were we talking about? I also like naps on weekends. I keep getting distracted by other projects ranging from home improvement to guitar/bass upgrades/mods to building effect pedals to fixing tube amps to whatever. So I've not kept up with the latest projects around here--I've got plenty of backlog already.