Al I was not offended. Marik posted what I kind of was thinking. Maybe the best way is to built a reg and unreg supply for the B+.
The diodes in the fil supply and caps used seem to make more of a difference to my ears than doing the math would seem to show. I reg the fil supply with big caps and a 3 term.
I think it has to do with the turn on and off parts of the Si diodes causing spikes. I seem to hear more "noise" from the fil than the B+ in some microphones I have built
The diodes in the fil supply and caps used seem to make more of a difference to my ears than doing the math would seem to show. I reg the fil supply with big caps and a 3 term.
I think it has to do with the turn on and off parts of the Si diodes causing spikes. I seem to hear more "noise" from the fil than the B+ in some microphones I have built