And we thought John Kelly was the good/sane guy...

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living sounds said:
Sorry I didn't click on the link, this is not exactly news (even without reading my newspaper).

The media wouldn't give Omarosa the time of day when she was working for the Trump WH. Now all of sudden she is getting wall to wall press coverage. In a classic "follow the money" vein she is expecting to get well compensated for this allegiance flip-flop, from her book sales, and is already getting priceless publicity to promote that book. Lead story on sunday (political) talk shows seems disproportionate, but perhaps why I stopped watching those shows years ago (too one sided, and I don't need talking heads on TV to tell me what to think). OTOH 60 minutes did a story about 19th century lynchings this week. Deplorable but not exactly news. There is real and important news going on around the world every day, but I mainly see domestic team politics in place of reportage. 

If anything this kerfuffle with Omarosa is evidence of President Trump's judgement in hiring. I won't bad mouth Omarosa, her track record speaks for itself, and is public knowledge for anyone paying attention to modern culture. I didn't watch the apprentice, but she was hard to ignore by even non-watchers like me. 

IMO this yet another glaring example of media bias. Enjoy the circus, especially if it supports your world view.


PS: Secretly recording Kelly inside the WH was probably illegal, but not the first time there was funny business in DC. Remarkable that she not only did this but openly admitted it. Her 15 minutes of fame may end badly, but justice already has a pattern of dealing with such crimes unevenly depending on which team you play for.
JohnRoberts said:
The media wouldn't give Omarosa the time of day when she was working for the Trump WH.

Rightly so IMO, has she ever had anything meaningful or useful to say?

IMO this yet another glaring example of media bias. Enjoy the circus, especially if it supports your world view.

This will all be over in a nanosecond.  As someone who truly despises Trump and most of what he stands for I can say that Omarosa's book/media tour is a non event.  She has zero credibility.  Hopeful as I am that there will be change she will not be the instigator or even a bit player.

I'd bet the house that there are tapes of Trump using the N-word.  They will leak eventually and nothing will change.  Many of his supporters will be just fine with this, some will not.  The left will jump up and down but nothing will change.  I suspect we'll see/hear them before the midterms but it will barely move the needle.

Trump said it best, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue…

We're really desensitized to outragous behaviour these days, aren't we? Locking an employee in (in The Situation Room of all places) threatening her to leave under false pretences and undermining the authority of the Preseident - everyone on the staff "reports to me, not to the president") appear Godfather-esque to me.

Any government official caught doing something like this here in Germany would be gone the next day. And subject to criminal prosecution.

As for the act of recording of the conversation: Under these circumstances it would be justified as self defense, at least over here. And we still lack proper whistleblower protection, unfortunately.
Ad hominem attacks on Omarosa are merely a distraction from the main attractions --incredibly lax security in the WH, and Kelly's not-so-veiled threats against her.    The security issues should be a concern to all Americans, and the threats speak to the character (or lack thereof) of this administration.  You can trash Omarosa all you want--and maybe a lot of it is true--but who is the idiot who hired her for the job?  What kind of AMAZING BUSINESSMAN, knowing her as he did, would do something like that? 

hodad said:
incredibly lax security in the WH, and Kelly's not-so-veiled threats against her.    The security issues should be a concern to all Americans, and the threats speak to the character (or lack thereof) of this administration. 

Seems like the radio guy that got through to trump on air force 1 for a prank should have been a bigger headline than it was a few months ago. The white house is in chaos. It is a national security issue.

The fact that Trump doesn't seem to have any friends or anybody that is loyal to him says a lot about his character as well.