Another "op-amp" to chew on

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Jun 8, 2004
Oakland, CA
Here's a circuit I've been simulating for a few days, sort of a BJT-ified Curl or Borbely dual diff amp with a simple output buffer tacked on. I've read Self's arguments against the need for such fanciness, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. It's only got about 85dB of gain open-loop, but that's plenty for a lot of stuff. I believe I've got it stable down to gains of 2, but I don't have huge confidence in the simulation in that regard. DC performance seems almost completely dependent on the goodness of the NPN/PNP match. I've been simulating with 2SA970/2SC2240 which are obsolete now, aren't they? Any suggestions for a good substitute? Anyone care to build it and let me know how it works?
I see some unconservative design points; whether they matter may have to be determined with listening and smoke-test.

Total current gain is "only" <β^3, more like 0.2*β^3, about 200,000, marginal for some chores. To swing 30mA output current, input current must be swung 30/200,000= 0.15μA. At 18V output and gain of 1,000, input voltage is 15mV, input impedance is 15mV/0.15μA= 100K. This is probably fine, since input bias current level suggests low-Z use. Except the β won't be constant so the input impedance won't be constant, which means distortion on hi-Z sources, even as low as a few KΩ.

Q12 current is, what, 16mA? That's more than the output stage will usually be required to deliver. Seems generous, though acceptable in context.

What is Q12's dissipation if some idiot shorts the output? Q13 Q14 can be semi-protected with a few more diodes, but Q11 or Q12 current can rise to 43mA with nearly the full supply voltage across the device. Looks like almost 3/4 Watt for dead-short and a DC signal.

Input common mode voltage range is half the supply voltage. If broadband gain is restricted to >=2, that's fine. There are old tricks to get unity gain in the audio band rising to gain>2 above the audio band to avoid MHz instability; if that is combined with large input signals it will clip at the input before the output.

If your simulator shows very low input bias and offset currents, it lies like a rug. I would expect offset current to be mighty near zero in simulation, but in reality very variable depending on input β match between sides; and bias current even more variable depending on input β match between NPN and PNP. If β(npn) is 300 and β(pnp) is 270, bias current would be ~1μA; if β(npn) is 300 and β(pnp) is 150, bias current could be 9μA.

Compensation looks simple and counting thumbs it may be stable to gain of 8 or 4, maybe not to 2. But I'm overlooking a lot of details, because I suspect that a clean prototype is neccesary to really be sure of stability under all conditions, and you can tweak a prototype.

> arguments against the need for such fanciness

I've stared at these complementary differentials since Meyer first published the ploy, and am inclined to agree with Self. The audible benefits may be small, and the biasing headaches are a pain. But certainly there is a long tradition of such amps working well. I think 14 transistors is a lot for 3 stages, but in bulk-bags we are only talking $1-$10 depending how fancy the input matching and output dissipation gets.
I've been simulating with 2SA970/2SC2240 which are obsolete now, aren't they?
I don't think so, at least not the 2SA970. Do you care to share you spice models? I'd be very interested.

.I believe I've got it stable down to gains of 2, but I don't have huge confidence in the simulation in that regard.
What is the unity gain crossover frequency? Anything above 20 MHz is hard to make stable without serious tweaking (for a two-stage architecture) and 10 MHz is saver.

A few thoughts and Qs on the circuit:
* collapse R15/R16 into one resistor (saves me seven seconds of soldering time :wink: )
* what is the reasoning behind matchin R1/R2 and R3/R4? As shown it looks to me as if the collector currents were severely unbalanced, which degrades both linearity and DC precision. Can't we short R2 and R4 and adjust R1/R2 for equal collector currents?
* cascoding the input pairs has some advantages--but I'm inclined to suggest a floating bias (referenced to the emitters of Q1/Q2 and Q3/Q4). This would relax the CM input range restriction and provides other advantages. Needs another couple of transistors though.
* I never understud the somewhat obscure arguing for these complementary topologies; these are about the only solution for some rail-to-rail applications, but this seems not to be the application here. And mismatch between NPN and PNP is always big enough to throw away most of the canceling effects which are mostly unneeded anyway. 14 is a serious number of transistors and almost impossible to squeese into a 2520 footprint--I believe that with 14 transistors it would be possible to design an opamp that does much better (without qualifying "better").

Just my opinion--others will disagree!

BTW, what is you intended application? Just a general purpose opamp?

[quote author="SeventhCircle"]Here's a circuit...snip... I've been simulating with 2SA970/2SC2240 which are obsolete now, aren't they? Any suggestions for a good substitute? Anyone care to build it and let me know how it works?[/quote]

I don't know if the Q's are discontinued or not, but I like the 2SA1015 2SC1815 parts in the highest beta versions for good general purpose use. For super-low rbb' there are the 2SA1316 and 2SC3329. All four are currently supported at least in Japan. I wouldn't use these for the output Q's though. Also, having thrown this many parts at it already, I guess I would use a diamond buffer at the output rather than the diode-biased e-followers alone.

I'm kind of preoccupied but I might throw this into my own sim---the 100pF comp caps feel small, offhand, but who knows. That method of compensation has much to recommend it if you want high slew rate.

The complementarity can be beneficial for equalization of positive and negative slew rates, for one thing. Some regard this as pivotal to good sound (Keith Johnson for one).
[quote author="Samuel Groner"] what is the reasoning behind matchin R1/R2 and R3/R4? As shown it looks to me as if the collector currents were severely unbalanced, which degrades both linearity and DC precision.


They aren't that mismatched---if the betas of Q11 and Q12 are 300, they only need about 50-60uA of base current (very rough calculation) and that's out of about a mill and a half per input device.

I agree though that the other Q's' collector resistors are somewhat superfluous, and also that tracking common-base stages have some advantages for improving common-mode range and reducing input capacitance further. High frequency anomalies will limit this enhancement eventually.
That method of compensation has much to recommend it if you want high slew rate.
I never got really happy with it--at least in simulation I never managed a unity-gain stable amplifier, even with a lousy 5 MHz GBW.

The complementarity can be beneficial for equalization of positive and negative slew rates, for one thing.
Well, only if NPN and PNP match--they usually don't, do they? For symmetrical slew-rate the currents set by Q9/Q10 need probably to be equal. I wouldn't believe in more than 10% accuracy of this match. And less than 10% slew-rate difference is very easy to get with much simpler topologies.

hey aren't that mismatched
True--I got fooled by the idea that Q11/Q12 have a fixed collector current.

There are a number of refinements possible---in particular I think the design would benefit from a little emitter degeneration in the input pairs. And the input capacitance sets as usual the need for either a little feedback C or very low R divider values.

However, using garden-variety 1015/1815 throughout, and with no changes except taking the compensation networks directly across R1/R3 and making them 2.2n/5 ohm each, I get a prediction of stability at unity gain and a GBW of about 60MHz. I also bypassed the bases of the CB Q's to the rails with 1u each, but I'm not sure this had much effect---just seemed like the right thing to do.

With a closed-loop gain of 3 and low source Z (10 ohms), and 1k divider R/2k feedback R and 15p feedback C, I get a large signal step response almost the same as the small-signal with a bit of overshoot. The closed loop -3dB point is at 21MHz (~consistent with the gain-for-bandwidth tradeoff). The positive and negative step responses are symmetrical to about 97%. There are ways to make this better, but it's pretty decent as it stands. It is not quite a "non-slewing" amp as yet but it is getting there.

With more heroically low feedback network R's there probably wouldn't be a need for much feedback C. Higher source Z's will introduce other limitations so that has to be explored as well.

Since the step responses are differing only a bit vs. signal level, it doesn't really make sense to speak of slew rate per se. However, if you pick the region of highest ~linear slope and attempt a number, it's about 140V/usec for a +/- 6V output step.

One thing that looks pretty appealing about the open loop response is that it is flat throughout the audio band. I haven't looked at open or closed-loop distortion as yet.

At these GBW values the parasitic inductances etc. are going to be important, and layout will need to be tight. The odd small R in the CB bases may be needed to quell parasitic ~100MHz oscillations.

BTW the compensation as presented initially looked quite reasonable for closed loop gains of ~10-15dB or more.

EDIT: that statement about small and large-signal response was a bit off---I was thinking about the limit to input swing set by the cascode and translated it improperly to setting the input level.

The time to the peak of the overshoot is about 100ns with +/-1V in, and about 270ns positive-going, 267ns negative-going with +/- 5V in. Again, it looks more like gain-for-bandwidth tradeoff than slew rate. If you take the region of fastest linear slope the +/- 5V input comes out as about 220V/us positive-going, 205V/us negative-going, about a 6.6% difference in this case, and that may be mostly eyeball-error in setting the cursors.
Hm, if I simulate things with your compensation values and 2N4401/2N4403s, I get a phase margin of 10° at 1 MHz and about 25° at 10 MHz (unity gain crossover point). Transient simulation is not stable, and my feeling is that real world will give similar results.

Are you really sure that this design is worth breadboarding without the intention to build a HF generator? :? (Not that I would have time for it.)

I tried different compensation schemos, but none provides the stability I usually aim for.

I also bypassed the bases of the CB Q's to the rails with 1u each.
Stupid one: which are common base here? Q1-Q4?

I quickly drew up a similar design which I suggest as "improved replacement" to the first one. :wink:

Stability is much better, drives a 1 nF without asking. Less parts as well and the transistors don't overheat.

Slew-rate is 19 V/us, somewhat short from Brads result. No output protection yet.

Miller compensation could probably be relaxed a bit (say 47 pF) and thus improving linearity and slew-rate.

[quote author="Samuel Groner"]Hm, if I simulate things with your compensation values and 2N4401/2N4403s, I get a phase margin of 10° at 1 MHz and about 25° at 10 MHz (unity gain crossover point). Transient simulation is not stable, and my feeling is that real world will give similar results.

Are you really sure that this design is worth breadboarding without the intention to build a HF generator? :? (Not that I would have time for it.)

I tried different compensation schemos, but none provides the stability I usually aim for.

I also bypassed the bases of the CB Q's to the rails with 1u each.
Stupid one: which are common base here? Q1-Q4?


I can't account for your differing results without more details, but I see closed loop a pretty decent phase margin with the closed loop circuit as described. Note that the ~60MHz GBW (really the unity-gain freq, not the -3dB open loop freq) was examined open loop, with the offset voltage tweaked with a generator---something that a simulator can do but would be impractical on the bench. It wasn't a pretty phase response but steered away from the rocks, and was more or less validated by the closed-loop behavior.

I didn't and don't propose that one spend time breadboarding---there are more satisfying designs to do that with. Also, as I said, the layout will be critical when there is still as much gain at high frequencies as the sim predicts for me, which means parts of the board at least should probably be SMD. However, I think the sim results I stated are not too far from reality. But the drawbacks include a lumpy phase margin and associated Bode plot which translate to a worse-than-single-pole-dominated transient response, hence slower settling time. Whether or not that is an audible thing or not is controversial. I merely wanted to see how far the design as shown could be pushed.

The common-base stages I'm referring to in the original schematic are Q5 through Q8.

After some days away from electronics altogether I did a bit of more analytic work last night, after crafting an improved second stage with CFP's and lower C/higher BW transistors, and a cascode CB stage. This works well but does restrict output swing some. I looked at the open loop response and used that as a guide to what would be required in the first stage to ensure single-pole rolloff overall. The results are pessimistic w.r.t. noise, unless one resorts to L's in the emitters which I wanted to avoid at least initially.

Anyway, a very decent settling of about 65ns to ~99.9% of a step could be achieved, with a slew rate of about 265V/us, with a gain of two and feedback and feedback divider R's of 200 ohms each. But the transconductance of the first stages had to be substantially reduced, with emitter ballasting of about 480 ohms for each input device, which means the equivalent input noise would be no better than 2.8nV/root Hz, worsened further by thermal noise in the 1k load R's as well. I preserved the compensation topology but the major networks across the 1k load R's get pretty brutal at 14.4n in series with 110 ohms. There were a few other tweaky comp networks needed to fine-tune things.

So---again an interesting exercise, but there are better ways.
Thanks for your answer!

I didn't and don't propose that one spend time breadboarding
Oh, I didn't meant that that literally! :grin:

I really wonder why I get so crappy simulations with first-stage compensation--I believe that stability is never as good as with miller compensation because we miss pole splitting to the output stage and don't slug the slowest stage, but the way it sims here is nothing I'd ever attempt to implement.

BTW, how do you simulate o/l response? Grounding the inverting input? I use a 1 gH/1 gF feedback network, that removes the hassle with DC bias. Simplifies temperature sweeps as well.

Quote: "BTW, how do you simulate o/l response? Grounding the inverting input? I use a 1 gH/1 gF feedback network, that removes the hassle with DC bias. Simplifies temperature sweeps as well. "

I just tie the inv. input to ground (or through a representative resistance) and tweak a d.c. bias in series with the n.i. input generator, until I get the output voltage close to zero. I'll see if your method works for my simulator.
Quote: "Hm, if I simulate things with your compensation values and 2N4401/2N4403s, I get a phase margin of 10° at 1 MHz and about 25° at 10 MHz (unity gain crossover point)."

I think you may not have noted my mentioning that the comp networks are only across R1 and R3. It makes a big difference.

I'm able to reproduce your stated results if I leave things hooked up as in the original schematic.

When the R-C's I suggest are only shunting R1 and R3, I see a phase response that dips to within 25 degrees of disaster at about 3.8MHz, then rises before plunging again to 180 at 125MHz. The open loop gain magnitude reaches 0 dB at 64MHz.

So, as I say, not pretty and not fast-settling, but no HF generator either with the proper feedback network. Not ready for prime-time etching imo.
I chewed a little further with this design: [removed]

Input-stage quiescent current is reduce for lower current noise and a more usuable OSI (somewhere at 300 ohm). This reduced slew-rate to slightly above 13 V/us.

Output stage is now current-limited to about 220 mA. Q1/Q3 and Q2/Q4 could get beta-matched for low input current. Q9/Q10 are MJE170/MJE180 or equivalent. R14/R15 need probably a little lower value to get the desired class A current. R12/R13 could be 150 ohm to reduce the number of resistor values.

With the addition of two 100 nF PS bypass caps, I believe that this design would perform well. With some effort, it could perhaps be implemented as an 2520 style opamp.

I am no semiconductor designer but I do wish more op amp designers would consider the transamp concpet where the open loop gain is controlled by the same network that controls closed loop gain thus ensuring stability over a very wide range of gains without clubbing the VAS to death with pole at 1Hz.


I am no semiconductor designer but I do wish more op amp designers would consider the transamp concpet where the open loop gain is controlled by the same network that controls closed loop gain thus ensuring stability over a very wide range of gains without clubbing the VAS to death with pole at 1Hz.


they do, there is a class of amplifiers based on that topology.

edit- /edit]

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I am no semiconductor designer but I do wish more op amp designers would consider the transamp concpet where the open loop gain is controlled by the same network that controls closed loop gain thus ensuring stability over a very wide range of gains without clubbing the VAS to death with pole at 1Hz.


I did, never got around to order a prototype. Looked pretty nice in the simulator though.


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