Any Acousta DCA console Users here?

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2015
Hey folks,

In January this year I acquired an Acousta DCA 100E console.
I now these are quite rare and obscure desks as they were pretty expensive and most of them went to broadcast stations or theater halls.
But maybe I'm lucky and there are some users here or people who know people so we could exchange some information, tips and tricks.

A friend uses two Acousta desks in his mixroom. I´m not sure if it´s the same model you mentioned, though. If you want to contact him:
Ask for Jens Siefert
Hey folks,

In January this year I acquired an Acousta DCA 100E console.
I now these are quite rare and obscure desks as they were pretty expensive and most of them went to broadcast stations or theater halls.
But maybe I'm lucky and there are some users here or people who know people so we could exchange some information, tips and tricks.

Hi Murdoch,
Do you Still have your Acousta ? Im a hard user Of that mixer, love it !
Hi Pierre,
Yes, I still use it. It is indeed a great console!
Which configuration do you have?

I have here 24 channels ( 20 mono et 4 stéréos) + master section. I bought it in Belgium in 2009 with lot Of spares, Studer, Harrison etc... At first, I dont give a look to it because that DCA reminds me low cost 90's analog like Spundcraft or Hallen... Then I discover on the paper about how DCA100 is high End ...

I read the book and discover about that architecture, the Hofe the Lundahl stage ... Finally, with ears jugement, I prefer DCA100 for few things :
- low noise quality
- preamp Sound large
- Routing, bus, all balanced etc ....

The only things Im not Shure about is the EQ ..

And what about yours Murdoch ?
I have here 24 channels ( 20 mono et 4 stéréos) + master section. I bought it in Belgium in 2009 with lot Of spares, Studer, Harrison etc... At first, I dont give a look to it because that DCA reminds me low cost 90's analog like Spundcraft or Hallen... Then I discover on the paper about how DCA100 is high End ...

I read the book and discover about that architecture, the Hofe the Lundahl stage ... Finally, with ears jugement, I prefer DCA100 for few things :
- low noise quality
- preamp Sound large
- Routing, bus, all balanced etc ....

The only things Im not Shure about is the EQ ..

And what about yours Murdoch ?
I also have a 24 channels + master section. I also have redundant power supplies which is great although after recapping and fixing some stuff the console is rock stable.

And I understand your concerns about the EQ. I made some sweeps in REW and it is really broad. So no surgical cuts possible. On the other hand it sounds quite neutral I would say. But you definitely have to get used to it.
I also have not used it to its full potential like the VCA channels.

And yes, some console (like mine) came with bridges where you could install Danner modules. But not all Danner modules as the bridges are not that deep so some modules are too large to fit in.

Do you mean you have a lot of spare parts for the Acousta Console?
I also have a 24 channels + master section. I also have redundant power supplies which is great although after recapping and fixing some stuff the console is rock stable.

And I understand your concerns about the EQ. I made some sweeps in REW and it is really broad. So no surgical cuts possible. On the other hand it sounds quite neutral I would say. But you definitely have to get used to it.
I also have not used it to its full potential like the VCA channels.

And yes, some console (like mine) came with bridges where you could install Danner modules. But not all Danner modules as the bridges are not that deep so some modules are too large to fit in.

Do you mean you have a lot of spare parts for the Acousta Console?
I think that mixer is very gifted for music. In the Time before use DCA100 at my center mixer, I used a Studer 169, 902 and 089. Sometimes for Routing and symétric inserts, I made mix on the Acousta ... And guess what ? All the customers prefers that path (without knowing wich tools used). Than happen not one times but almost every times... People love that dynamisme and clarity. That mixer have a good response. Very pro ... That leads me to the Acousta. Because I was involved on vintage preamps , I dont have large considérations for my DCA100 at first .... Ten Years later, I dont Care about vintage. I have a lot Of Studers spares. I have some Danner Kasseten - EMT compressor, filter - but that doesnt fit in my bridge. My bridge are a lot empty. I show you on pics - I think I dont have a Danner bridge , kasseten doesnt fit in mine...

About PSU, I have also the double PSU : guess what, I never change any capas on my DCA 100. Its a german Tank. I use it daily - some Times does not power off for days - I never have no any issue.... No any modules problem

I love the 4 VCA for subgroup Faders. I dont know if automation of that 4 VCA could be possible ?

About modification or hardware setup, I discover we Can switch stereo aux 3-4 to double mono aux 3 and 4. Very good news

I just have one feature I miss very much about buss A and buss B. Indépendant bus Can bé good but wish use send A to B (or B to A) without using return. I guess it could possible ? Do you have inserts on master ?

But except that, for problem, two weeks ago, I power up Dca in the morning. After 5 minutes, boards collapses - I have few led on and display but boards off.... I switch on the second PSU, the boards boots on ok.... I guess my first PSU was down. Few days after, I try again that down PSU and everything works great : I think there is some protection mode or something ?

That mixer is very transparent also. The 4 compresseurs are pretty interesting too, good Lundahl clean compression.

For EQs, I guess maybe solution is to arm that mixer with gear and lot Of outboards. I start to work this way.

Do you mods the EQ if I understand well ?

I wish Can use the Bridge like in the API séries, dont know if we Can adapt série 500 on the bridge ?
I think that mixer is very gifted for music. In the Time before use DCA100 at my center mixer, I used a Studer 169, 902 and 089. Sometimes for Routing and symétric inserts, I made mix on the Acousta ... And guess what ? All the customers prefers that path (without knowing wich tools used). Than happen not one times but almost every times... People love that dynamisme and clarity. That mixer have a good response. Very pro ... That leads me to the Acousta. Because I was involved on vintage preamps , I dont have large considérations for my DCA100 at first .... Ten Years later, I dont Care about vintage. I have a lot Of Studers spares. I have some Danner Kasseten - EMT compressor, filter - but that doesnt fit in my bridge. My bridge are a lot empty. I show you on pics - I think I dont have a Danner bridge , kasseten doesnt fit in mine...

About PSU, I have also the double PSU : guess what, I never change any capas on my DCA 100. Its a german Tank. I use it daily - some Times does not power off for days - I never have no any issue.... No any modules problem

I love the 4 VCA for subgroup Faders. I dont know if automation of that 4 VCA could be possible ?

About modification or hardware setup, I discover we Can switch stereo aux 3-4 to double mono aux 3 and 4. Very good news

I just have one feature I miss very much about buss A and buss B. Indépendant bus Can bé good but wish use send A to B (or B to A) without using return. I guess it could possible ? Do you have inserts on master ?

But except that, for problem, two weeks ago, I power up Dca in the morning. After 5 minutes, boards collapses - I have few led on and display but boards off.... I switch on the second PSU, the boards boots on ok.... I guess my first PSU was down. Few days after, I try again that down PSU and everything works great : I think there is some protection mode or something ?

That mixer is very transparent also. The 4 compresseurs are pretty interesting too, good Lundahl clean compression.

For EQs, I guess maybe solution is to arm that mixer with gear and lot Of outboards. I start to work this way.

Do you mods the EQ if I understand well ?

I wish Can use the Bridge like in the API séries, dont know if we Can adapt série 500 on the bridge ?
Yes, I was also hesitant about the quality as there is not that much info on the internet. And I also fell for the "digital and chips are bad" narative and only discrete signal path is the right path... But if I can't get a good recording out of this desk, it's only my fault.

About automation. According to the documents there was an option for an interface where you could save fader positions (if I understood it correctly) but no one ever saw this thing. So I don't know if it ever was build.

I sadly don't have inserts on the master. But as I have a Patchbay I route the master out into my gear and then return that processed signal into the Tape In of the console to monitor it.

About the EQ. No, I did not mod it. I just wanted to see how the curves look like.

What documents do you have?
And do you by chance have modules you want to sell or trade?
And I also fell for the "digital and chips are bad" narative and only discrete signal path is the right path...
well ... that IS the case with the dca100E i use , 40 channels.
it's analog and mostly discrete signal path is digitally controlled .
it's a hybrid console , not digital , yes there were /are options of rudimentary digital in/out , but you have to remember when this console came out digital meant writing the eproms in HEX code.
let me know if you need anything , got spares, manuals ....

and never forget !!!!
Dont ever power on the mixer without the screen attached.

what screens have you got ?
i got both eproms and screens for color and monochrome
well ... that IS the case with the dca100E i use , 40 channels.
it's analog and mostly discrete signal path is digitally controlled .
it's a hybrid console , not digital , yes there were /are options of rudimentary digital in/out , but you have to remember when this console came out digital meant writing the eproms in HEX code.
let me know if you need anything , got spares, manuals ....

and never forget !!!!
Dont ever power on the mixer without the screen attached.

what screens have you got ?
i got both eproms and screens for color and monochrome
I know that it's "only" digital controlled but with "discrete" I meant no IC's. I also have a DCA100E and the signal goes through several MC33077 IC's.
And just to make it clear, I don't think that's bad. Just that I fell into the "no IC's, pure analog, discrete blabla" trap before and that's why I was hesitant at first.

Also the SMD components threw me off at first but now I appreciate it.

But be warned about the PCB quality of the power supply... I replaced all electrolytic caps and while doing it, I destroyed quite a few through holes... And I would conside myself experienced when it comes to soldering and desoldering.
When you recap the power supply, make sure that all traces still connect to the through holes/caps!
I spend weeks trying to find the fault in one of my power supplies after recapping just to find out one connection was intermittent. So I soldered a wire directly from the cap leg to the next component.

I have the yellow monochrome screen (and one more as a backup).

Concerning spares. Do you have one of those brackets where the bridge is mounted on?
i don't have those brackets , sorry no .
but you could try thomas klinger at alpenstudio , he might be able to help .
regarding ic's : yes there are , but there are also doa's in important places .

the PS is kind of the weak spot imo , others disagree .
although it should be possible to power 48 channels with one PS my desk now runs with two.
the temperature on the mosfets got too high and it shut down after a while.
i tried very much , even with external PS's from other brands but the current demand is just too high for those regulated ones. now analog and digital voltages each come from it's own PS and it's stable again for years now.

another weak spot is the eprom or better it's programming .
it needs to be the same as the screen programming.
i made backups of all of mine to be on the safe side, you never know , once you loose the programming the desk is dead.
Yes, I was also hesitant about the quality as there is not that much info on the internet. And I also fell for the "digital and chips are bad" narative and only discrete signal path is the right path... But if I can't get a good recording out of this desk, it's only my fault.

About automation. According to the documents there was an option for an interface where you could save fader positions (if I understood it correctly) but no one ever saw this thing. So I don't know if it ever was build.

I sadly don't have inserts on the master. But as I have a Patchbay I route the master out into my gear and then return that processed signal into the Tape In of the console to monitor it.

About the EQ. No, I did not mod it. I just wanted to see how the curves look like.

What documents do you have?
And do you by chance have modules you want to sell or trade?
I have two books :
- manual books
- service books with All schematics
i don't have those brackets , sorry no .
but you could try thomas klinger at alpenstudio , he might be able to help .
regarding ic's : yes there are , but there are also doa's in important places .

the PS is kind of the weak spot imo , others disagree .
although it should be possible to power 48 channels with one PS my desk now runs with two.
the temperature on the mosfets got too high and it shut down after a while.
i tried very much , even with external PS's from other brands but the current demand is just too high for those regulated ones. now analog and digital voltages each come from it's own PS and it's stable again for years now.

another weak spot is the eprom or better it's programming .
it needs to be the same as the screen programming.
i made backups of all of mine to be on the safe side, you never know , once you loose the programming the desk is dead.
Hi Nashkato,
A Real pleasure to meet others users. I see you investigate the security side Of the maintenance. As I never have a problem, I never dive into my DCA... But even if its a tank , précaution could bd great...

I read you did some capture Of data we need for use the board.... Is that possible to share that code ? I guess there is code for the screen and code for the microprocessor ? Thanks for your help and dévotion to that excellent desk
hi !
yes , there's code for screen and controller , they need to fit to eachother. since the possibilty is high my code won't fit your desk and you'd need a programmer anyway to burn to eprom , it'd be easier for you to just remove the eproms and copy them.
i used something like this .
useful tool for all kinds of repairs and already helped me to repair quite some gear.
Thanks ! I have a burner... I will do it.... I have a huge question : its that possible to implement an external gear on the master (instead Of limited A). I need inserts on master bus even if I mod the mixer, its full analog maybe there is a working to do ?