Hi All meta-keepers:
There could be many different ways of keeping track of the stuff. None is inherently bettter or more correct, I think. BUT. In order to make the metas easily readable and quick to scan, we should try adopting the same "style"
What I do in the two Meta's that I'm keeping should be easy to copy.
- The name of the thread should be "META - projectname"
- maybe start the post with the explanation - the text in small (size9). Copy from my post, or explain yourself
- Then the links - simply copied from the threads. Or "external" information from the web that you find relevant.
- Then title in bold
- Then a short description
- one line space between items to ease reading
- try listing the metas in order of importance - important stuff first
- If comments or pointers are posted by other members, copy/paste those into the main, and leave a new message at the end of the thread for the moderator to clear all messages onto that point..
That should be all?
Take a look at the ssl-meta:
Jakob E.