Anybody have a Icon Space 251 Mic ? How does it sound? - New 251 Clone -

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I'm about 90% it's the same folks behind the Violet and JZ mics, i.e. the Latvian half of what used to be Blue. That said, with scant information about where it's produced I wouldn't assume it's actually made in Latvia or to the standards of some of those other brands (which have wide quality variations themselves). All of which to say, I wouldn't take a chance on them myself but would love to hear from anyone who has.
IMHO it looks ugly, is def made in China with Chinese parts (except that cocorico output cap) by the looks / price of it. Capsule is probably your generic random CK12 inspired wannabe.
Not even 3D rendering can't hide that 7 pin XLR we all know and hate.
It seems pretty much based on @poctop 's PCB design ? Wonder what he thinks of it

Does it sound bad in the end ? I don't know but with that kind of money well spent and considering you've signed up on a DIY forum I am sure you can build a 251 inspired mic that eats this one for breakfast.
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Gosh I had another look, the 3D rendering and IA generated and poorly edited pictures... It looks so squetchy, almost like a scam attempt haha. I am never putting my credit card number anywhere near this ! :LOL:

edit : that dude with the guitar standing behind a photoshop-added microphone, looking a 3D rendering of the 7 pin XLR connector of death, in ugly cheesy copper finish, this is all too much haha
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At first i thought it was the last generation of electrical razors, but seriously, a microphone ? My advice for ICON , fire the designers (all of them), make pizzas, sneakers, or ... razors ?