anyone got Fairchild 666 info?

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Have the manual and schematic right next to me. Was hoping to have it scanned and up for Halloween (get it? 666 Hehe!) Scanner is BUSTED! Think I'm gonna just get a $50 one from Best Buy for now and get some work done.
[quote author="ciminosound"]Have the manual and schematic right next to me. Was hoping to have it scanned and up for Halloween (get it? 666 Hehe!) ....[/quote]

Harman-JBL actually renumbered a pro amp that was initially the SR6660 to the SR6670 when feedback from fundies indicated that it would encounter resistance if marketed with the original number.

It still had sluggish sales, but mostly due to it being overpriced, in turn because it had an overbuilt power supply. Another chapter in a long saga of JBL Pro screwups when it came to electronics.
all i remember about these is , one studio in town has one and when i saw it in the rack i said "whats that" and he said it was a fairchild 666 and i asked how it sounded and he said that noonne ever uses it becuase it sounds like crap, (they do have a 670 thought) im sure i can bug him and try to get ahold of some more info if need be, but if the manual is on it way, i guess thats just my / his 2c
a few words on the 666 from john klett (along with info on a lot of the other obscure console modules):

666 - "Devil's Limiter" - 2U rackmount - I have only seen three 666's in my life. These are rare and the ones I saw had hand-drawn meter faces so I imagine they did not make very many of these... they are good - not worth what they sell for in my view - start with a nice UA 175/176 as a reference point - the 666 could take more abuse and was a little cleaner sounding... Your mileage may vari... all this stuff is old and a lot of it is broken
Looking through the manual a bit and the 666 appears to be Fairchilds answer to the LA2A. Claims of no distortion, no breathing just like the LA2A. No bias condition of a tube changed.

Has a "compression cell" located before the input of the line amp consisting of a 1/2 12AX7 and a 1/2 12BH7 with a gain of 30db. Compression is accomplished by "changing the resistance of the compression cell" with the other 1/2 of the tubes powering the "compression cell".

666 is a compressor with the "Auto Ten" automatic attenuator",ie SS noise gate.

666A compressor only.

Nice transformer model numbers!

I'll get this puppy scanned ASAP!


There was that CD ROM ewith all the Firchild stuff.
Is not that online to the labbers?
If not, it's soon to be at Vac Brain Dot Com Bi-Atch!
[quote author="ciminosound"] space...scanner...girlfriend...4 year old...
-They're both awesome BTW.[/quote]
Which two are awesome...? -I'm confused!

I need a new USB scanner... you got a model number to share?


This 666 has the worst rep of any of the Fairchild stuff, I do not knowe why anyone woyuld want to build something with such a bad rep, maybe for a comparrison of what sucks and what doesen't?

Maybe you can mod it to sound good.
What's the saying, "The first guy dosesn't have a chance?"
Just a few years ago you could buy one for $400 - $500. Not that you'd want to...

And now look what it's come to:    :eek:
at a studio I used to work at, they have one. but apparently it suffered a mod which lead it to distort a lot. so it was fun, but not the real 666.