Hi Folks !
After having build some great pres and comps, I'm throwing myself into the design of a summing mixer..
Nothing new I guess, but I want to make a 8 channel summing box after CAPI 4 Channel Inverting ACA and CAPI 2 Channel ACA & Booster.
The general idea is to have a great summing box which add some MOJO to my mixes.
I attached the design I'm thinking about.
The power supply section will be Ing's one, APP STUDIO ING. PSU2
As you can see, I want to add a stereo vu meter from JLM audio with maybe some nice hairball vu meter!
So the summing box will consist of 8 input into 2 card of CAPI 4 Channel Inverting ACA (1-3-5-7 on the left card, and 2-4-6-8 not the right card), hitting a 2 INV ACA BO
As you can see, there is some green round where I need some help to design it…
First round : before hitting the 4 Channel Inverting ACA board :
Here is what CAPI says :
"You can take the summed monitor section or any outboard mixer's unbalanced outputs through 47K bus resistors and simply "inject" them into your 2-mix ACA.
By removing each channel's 47K output bus resistor and adding any of our 2623 transformers, you will have 4 independent channels of classic, vintage style summing. 2623-1-CF's are a good versatile mount for use with that application."
I guess I'm a little bit confused…
what would be the best option for me?
the point is to go from output 1-8 of my audio interface to each channel on the board.
Is it better to Use a 47k resistor or a tranny?
this question attract an other one :
The output of my interface is balanced. The input of the board is unbalanced.
How can I make from Balanced to unbalanced? a reamp box? Small pcb with components..?
the second green circle is in between CAPI 4 Channel Inverting ACA pcb and CAPI 2 Channel ACA & Booster pcb :
Here is my question :
Can I go straight from one board to the other one?
Do I need a resistor/tranny? 47k? 2623 transformers again?
and then my last fog area : the trim pot
Here is what CAPI says :
"The returning signal needs to be routed to a user supplied stereo potentiometer, rotary or slide-fader type"
I'm thinking of using 2 Elma 04, 1x24-1k, Shorting Rotary Switch
Here is my question :
The output of the Right Side from the board is balanced. the input of the rotary switch is unbalanced, as well as the left side input.
Do I just link - and ground? or I need something more special?
I know, most of my questions are really basics ones, but I'm learning little bit after little bit.
I kind of newbie on design, and I want to learn !
What do you think of this project?
Is this summing mixer make any sense?
Thank you so much for your answers !
Cheers !
PS : "BIG BOY", why "BIG BOY"?
Because I'm thinking to use some really Big Boys Knobs \o/
After having build some great pres and comps, I'm throwing myself into the design of a summing mixer..
Nothing new I guess, but I want to make a 8 channel summing box after CAPI 4 Channel Inverting ACA and CAPI 2 Channel ACA & Booster.
The general idea is to have a great summing box which add some MOJO to my mixes.
I attached the design I'm thinking about.
The power supply section will be Ing's one, APP STUDIO ING. PSU2
As you can see, I want to add a stereo vu meter from JLM audio with maybe some nice hairball vu meter!
So the summing box will consist of 8 input into 2 card of CAPI 4 Channel Inverting ACA (1-3-5-7 on the left card, and 2-4-6-8 not the right card), hitting a 2 INV ACA BO
As you can see, there is some green round where I need some help to design it…
First round : before hitting the 4 Channel Inverting ACA board :
Here is what CAPI says :
"You can take the summed monitor section or any outboard mixer's unbalanced outputs through 47K bus resistors and simply "inject" them into your 2-mix ACA.
By removing each channel's 47K output bus resistor and adding any of our 2623 transformers, you will have 4 independent channels of classic, vintage style summing. 2623-1-CF's are a good versatile mount for use with that application."
I guess I'm a little bit confused…
what would be the best option for me?
the point is to go from output 1-8 of my audio interface to each channel on the board.
Is it better to Use a 47k resistor or a tranny?
this question attract an other one :
The output of my interface is balanced. The input of the board is unbalanced.
How can I make from Balanced to unbalanced? a reamp box? Small pcb with components..?
the second green circle is in between CAPI 4 Channel Inverting ACA pcb and CAPI 2 Channel ACA & Booster pcb :
Here is my question :
Can I go straight from one board to the other one?
Do I need a resistor/tranny? 47k? 2623 transformers again?
and then my last fog area : the trim pot
Here is what CAPI says :
"The returning signal needs to be routed to a user supplied stereo potentiometer, rotary or slide-fader type"
I'm thinking of using 2 Elma 04, 1x24-1k, Shorting Rotary Switch
Here is my question :
The output of the Right Side from the board is balanced. the input of the rotary switch is unbalanced, as well as the left side input.
Do I just link - and ground? or I need something more special?
I know, most of my questions are really basics ones, but I'm learning little bit after little bit.
I kind of newbie on design, and I want to learn !
What do you think of this project?
Is this summing mixer make any sense?
Thank you so much for your answers !
Cheers !
PS : "BIG BOY", why "BIG BOY"?
Because I'm thinking to use some really Big Boys Knobs \o/