Are we backing up frequently?

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tony dB

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Just a thought entering my mind as I would hate seeing all the recent (and other) information getting lost as there's so much cool talk going on over here lately... :?

Can we also back up from this forum? If so, how?

This place is THE PLACE 2 B! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

:guinness: on me :sam:


PS don't forget to backup your own machines every now and then too :roll:

"Note to self; read the above PS a few times and do it"
Good call Tony. I have always been a stickler(?) on this. I have always made hard copies of my sessions onto cds or dvds. It is a wacky world out there and you never know what can happen.
I am a big fan of the tripple... Call me paranoid but I always do 2 back ups and have the original of a pro tools sessio for example. One I keep, one the studio keeps. So In case of emergency like say the studio burns down... We can continue working. Far fetched but hey you never know. Look what happened with the Black eyed peas when they left for lunch and had the vibe candles still running PLus you can charge for the time spent waiting for the backup. :twisted:
letting an engineer take backup copies out of a studio is a pretty good way of guaranteeing that the studio never gets paid.

different conversation.

"Are we backing up frequently?"

Every day.
Since 1994 when I lost two years of work, I never lost a bit of data because I do double or triple backups of everything depending on the importance of data.
1994 was a tragic year for me because I lost tons of unique recorded samples and programs made by hard work for my Kurzweil sampler, so lots of songs were lost also. :sad: I still have that dead hard drive.
Every bad experience has it's positive aspects, it made me much more careful than before.

[quote author="gyraf"]More important - is this forum backed up on a regular basis? [/quote]

Thank you Jakob,
for asking what i meant in fact :green:



This has been answered several times before (but I'm sure it will be asked again soon in the future :grin:).
We have redundant back up every night. The most we'd lose if some sort of mass attack happened is 1 day. You can't do much better than that unless we were to back up every hour which would bog down the server. I would be willing to bet that very few forums have the kind of consistent and redundant back up protocol that we do here.

In the world of the web, nothing is bulletproof. Things that aren't security issues today could be tomorrow. It's my job to stay on top of it, and if in the hopefully unlikely event something catastrophic happens, we have backups to roll back to.

So relax and have one on me :sam:
Thanks Ethan,

This is a very pro apPROach indeed!


I, as many others, appreciate all your work you put into this forum a lot!
Let's hope no attack hits us, or malfunction of hardware, as it is always a lot of stress and work to restart etc...


[quote author="soundguy"]letting an engineer take backup copies out of a studio is a pretty good way of guaranteeing that the studio never gets paid.


Not if the engineer owns the studio!

But well taken. The client cannot remove any media from the studio
until the time has been paid for in full. Not even a cassette copy!